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Connecticut Snake And Reptile Regulations

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection proposes new rules governing reptiles and exotic animals.

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The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has proposed new rules that seek to regulate the importation and possession of certain wild animals, including several species of snakes and other reptiles. The department is accepting written comment on the proposal until April 15.

The proposed draft rules attempt to clarify who may import, possess or liberate a particular wild animal, according to the state DEP. To that end, the state has proposed listing wild animals under four categories. Under the proposal, individuals wishing to import, own or liberate an animal listed in category one would have to obtain a permit. No one would be permitted to import or posses animals in categories two and three, expect for zoos, circuses, aquaria, laboratories, research facilities or municipal parks. No one would be permitted to import any animal in category four, expect for certain institutions, such as laboratories zoos and nature centers.

Category one includes animals that are locally, nationally or internationally considered endangered, threatened or of special concern.

Category two includes animals that are considered a threat to human safety due to their physical characteristics. This category includes a long list of animals, including Northern African pythons, Southern African pythons, reticulated pythons, amethystine pythons, green or common anacondas, yellow anacondas, Bolivian anacondas, certain monitor lizards and a number of other snakes and reptiles as well as primates, bears and large cats.

Category three includes species listed as injurious wildlife or considered a threat to agricultural crops or established species of flora and fauna due to the animal’s ability to adapt to Connecticut’s climate and thereby conflict or compete with native species.

Category four includes another long list of animals that are considered a threat to agricultural crops or established species of flora and fauna due to disease transmission or diminution of genetic integrity. Animals in category four include more than 100 species native to the state, such as the deer mouse, northern flying squirrel, purple finch, spotted turtle, marbled salamander and wood frog.

The state has extended the deadline to submit written comment from March 31 to April 15. Written comments may be sent to:

Jenny Dickson
Department of Environmental Protection
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106

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