Category: Turtles & Tortoises Information & News
Protecting Sea Turtle Nests From Predators Has Negative Effects On Terrestrial Reptiles
Beach erosion and the erection of fencing to prevent snakes from entering sea turtle nest areas caused the decline of lizard species on Orchid Island [...]
Georgia Woman Scammed Trying To Buy Russian Tortoise Via Facebook
Chances are very high that those "reptile for adoption" or "bearded dragon for adoption" Facebook pages that you see spammed on the REPTILES Facebook [...]

USARK Benefit Auction and Reptile Super Show This Weekend
This show has it all and it is back in Pomona this weekend so head over to check out vendors from across the country [...]
Commercial Harvesting of Snapping Turtles and Painted Turtles Prohibited In Minnesota
The state government passed the law due to the threats facing these reptiles, including habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution and overharvesting.
USARK ALERT: Louisiana Herp Regulation Overhaul
Comment Information and deadline: The deadline to comment is Wednesday, March 6, 2024. [...]

USARK: Lacey Act Amendments Included in House Report
Lacey Act amendments regarding injurious species are included in a report from the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the Uni [...]
Jonathan the Tortoise, the World’s Oldest Land Animal, Celebrates 191st Birthday
Aldabra tortoises are so named because of where they are found in the wild, the Aldabran Atoll off the coast of the Seychelles [...]

Contaminants Ingested By Female Green Sea Turtles May Cause More Female Hatchlings
The study found that contaminants such as cobalt, lead, barium, and cadmium are found in hatchling livers and have significant effects on sex ratio an [...]

Thousands of Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtles Released
The incubation period of these turtles was apparently cut to 45 days due to the extreme heat. [...]

Texas Doubles Reward For Alligator Snapping Turtle Poaching Tips
Folks just need to contact the Texas’ wildlife crime-stoppers program, Operation Game Thief at (800) 792-GAME (4263) [...]

Three Florida Beaches Yield More Than 25,000 Sea Turtle Nests
The center monitors and counts sea turtle nests from March 1 to October 31 every year. [...]

Lost Sulcata Tortoise Looking For Owner In Fontana CA
If you are the owner or may know someone who keeps a sulcata tortoise in Fontana, contact the city police department at (909) 350-7700. [...]
Psychedelic Rock Gecko, Other Reptiles Native To Vietnam Need Protections, Study Says
The study, which draws largely on the bachelor thesis of Lilli Steiger of the University of Cologne in Germany, has recommended that Vietnam adopt the [...]

Snake Road Closes in Illinois For Annual Herp Migration
The state's forest service began closing the road in the early 1970s to let these reptiles and amphibians safely cross without the threat of vehicular [...]
Researchers Can Detect Nuclear Events In Scutes Of Turtles and Tortoises
In all of the scute samples except that from the control animal, the Sonoran desert tortoise, uranium (235U and 236U) were detected. [...]
Gary Bagnall Resigns as Chairman of the Board of USARK
Gary and Zoo Med will still fully support USARK going forward, including pro bono services and maintaining their status as our largest and most consis [...]
USARK Auction and Reptile Super Show Los Angeles August 12 to 13
The Reptile Super Show is meant to educate the public about pets they may otherwise never get the chance to know, but we are also passionate about cap [...]

Alabama Homeowner’s Association Wants Sulcata Tortoise Out Of Neighborhood
A sulcata tortoise (Geochelone [Centrochelys] sulcata) who has been living in a planned urban development since he was brought by the keeper in 2015 m [...]
The Egyptian Tortoise, Testudo kleinmanni in Captivity
The Egyptian tortoise, Testudo kleinmanni, has been a fan-favorite for reptile keepers in the United States for many years. [...] Celebrates World Turtle Day With Turtle Inspired Frames
The 13 frame styles pay homage to a specific turtle or tortoise species [...]
Warming Temperatures Will Increase Female Galapagos Tortoise Population, Study Says
The researchers say that temperatures on the Galapagos islands will increase from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius over the next 50 years, which will likely cau [...]
122 Captive-Bred Royal Turtles Hatched In Cambodia
The species, also known as the royal turtle in Cambodia, has successfully laid eggs in captivity at the center for three years. [...]

Chonkosauraus the Snapping Turtle Make Debut On Once Toxic Chicago River
The Chicago River was once a highly polluted waterway with high levels of PCBs and mercury contamination due in large part to industry that used the r [...]

Seychelles To Count Its Aldabra Giant Tortoises
With the captive populations of the Aldabra giant tortoises, the quality of their enclosures, diets and general well being will be observed with advic [...]