Category: Snake Information & News

1 2 3 35 24 / 833 POSTS
24ft Reticulated Python Goldie Passes Away At Florida’s Skunk Ape Headquarters

24ft Reticulated Python Goldie Passes Away At Florida’s Skunk Ape Headquarters

Goldie was about 24 feet in length and weighed 400lbs, one of the largest captive reticulated pythons. [...]
Scared Of Snakes? There Is No Need To Be

Scared Of Snakes? There Is No Need To Be

Fear is a powerful emotion. It stops people in their tracks, but it also moves other people to needlessly kill snakes. [...]
Venomous Cat Snake Found In Bananas In New Hampshire

Venomous Cat Snake Found In Bananas In New Hampshire

The Ornate cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira ornata) can be found in broad ranging and diverse ecosystems, ranging from rainforests to dry forests and is als [...]
One Of The Most Venomous Snakes In The World Washes Up On Hawaii Beach

One Of The Most Venomous Snakes In The World Washes Up On Hawaii Beach

The venom of the yellow-bellied sea snake causes rapid breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue. It is a very slow acting venom that initially causes heada [...]
Eastern Brown Snakes Don’t Fare Well When Relocated According to Preliminary Australian Research

Eastern Brown Snakes Don’t Fare Well When Relocated According to Preliminary Australian Research

"We assume that they can adapt very quickly and they are resilient and they can make use of anywhere, but what we are really finding is that is not th [...]
USARK ALERT: South Carolina Venomous Reptiles Ban

USARK ALERT: South Carolina Venomous Reptiles Ban

Current owners can get permits and must register their animals within 90 days of the effective date. [...]
New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

Leptophis mystacinus sp. nov was collected in Brazil. The researchers compared the new species with 1,625 specimens of Leptophis spp. using extracted [...]
Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

They determined that the Eastern indigo snake sheds detectable DNA in the soil in which they traverse in less than two minutes, and that DNA is detect [...]
Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

The Broadley’s African house snake (Boaedon broadleyi sp. nov.) is known to exist in four localities in Africa. Boaedon subniger can be found in North [...]
Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye. [...]
USARK Alert: Proposed Ban On All Exotic Animals in Ashley, OH

USARK Alert: Proposed Ban On All Exotic Animals in Ashley, OH

Bans all species “foreign and not native to the local area” and all species “not normally domesticated.” Creates a pet limit that allows no more than [...]
New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

Space, 56, has been feeding the snakes at his family's zoo since he was 12 years old and has never before been bitten. [...]
Japanese Monkeys Use Snake Scales To Detect Snakes Rapidly

Japanese Monkeys Use Snake Scales To Detect Snakes Rapidly

"The monkeys did not react faster to salamanders, a species that shares a similar elongated body and tail with snakes, until the images were changed t [...]
Texas Library Retires Rocksssanne The Ball Python Host After 25 Years

Texas Library Retires Rocksssanne The Ball Python Host After 25 Years

The library wanted a pet that would be conducive to the library but without things such as pet dander and other allergens. Rocksssanne fit the bill. [...]
Three New Oman Cliff Racer Species Described

Three New Oman Cliff Racer Species Described

The cliff racers had been studied in the late 1800s and into the mid-1900s, but have not been studied as of late and have not benefited from state of [...]
Thief Steals Ball Python From Pet Store Comes Back And Gets Arrested

Thief Steals Ball Python From Pet Store Comes Back And Gets Arrested

The stolen python was found at the alleged thief’s house and returned unharmed to Exotic ARC. [...]
Research Shows Ecological Factors That Shaped How Snake And Lizard Jaws Evolved

Research Shows Ecological Factors That Shaped How Snake And Lizard Jaws Evolved

The researchers found that the lower jaw of snakes and lizards are a major element in their ecological experimentation and adaptation that work togeth [...]
USARK ALERT Ashley, OH Ban On All Exotic Animals

USARK ALERT Ashley, OH Ban On All Exotic Animals

This would ban almost all animal species, including fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and any animal that is not native to Ohio [...]
Video: King Cobra Devours Smaller King Cobra In Singapore

Video: King Cobra Devours Smaller King Cobra In Singapore

The king cobra is known as a snake eater, hence the scientific name Ophiophagus (Greek for snake eating) and feeds almost exclusively on other snakes. [...]
Florida Woman Records Alligator With Massive Burmese Python In Its Mouth

Florida Woman Records Alligator With Massive Burmese Python In Its Mouth

The alligator, who is known as Godzilla, was recorded Thanksgiving morning with the massive python that was significantly larger than him. [...]
Gopher Snake Found In Christmas Tree Shipment In Hawaii

Gopher Snake Found In Christmas Tree Shipment In Hawaii

Keeping snakes is illegal in the state and possession or transporting illegal animals is a class C felony in the state. [...]
USARK ALERT: Florence, SC Proposes Ban On Many Species With No Grandfather Clause

USARK ALERT: Florence, SC Proposes Ban On Many Species With No Grandfather Clause

This proposal results from a venomous snake bite from a free-handler (someone who freely handles venomous snakes without proper tools and equipment.) [...]
6 Eyelash Pit Vipers Born at Dallas Zoo

6 Eyelash Pit Vipers Born at Dallas Zoo

The zoo has had 13 successful eyelash pit viper births since 1980, with the last being in 2014. [...]
Ball Python Found In North Carolina Chili’s Parking Lot Returned To Owner

Ball Python Found In North Carolina Chili’s Parking Lot Returned To Owner

The Shallotte Police Department got a call about a large snake near the Chili’s parking lot in Shallotte on November 5, and a Sgt. Baker recovered th [...]
1 2 3 35 24 / 833 POSTS