Category: Lizard Care

1 5 6 7 8 168 / 175 POSTS
Four-Horned Chameleons

Four-Horned Chameleons

Four-horned chameleons (Chamaeleo quadricornis) information, care and breeding. [...]
The Tree Monitors

The Tree Monitors

Members belonging to the tree monitor group exhibit some of the most stunning coloration seen in varanids. [...]

Aggressive Iguana

Why has my iguana become so aggressive and territorial? [...]
Basilisk Lizard Care And Information

Basilisk Lizard Care And Information

Information on the green or plumed basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), common or brown basilisk (B. basiliscus), red-headed basilisk (B. galeritus) and [...]
Bearded Dragon Supplements

Bearded Dragon Supplements

What kind of calcium and vitamins should I give to my bearded dragon? [...]

Baby Chameleon Not Feeding

I put crickets in the chameleon's cage and I also feed it mealworms in a dish. The chameleon does not seem to eat enough. Any suggestions? [...]

Bearded Dragon Nutrition

Should I use crickets and mealworms for my bearded dragon lizard? [...]

Leopard Gecko Lizards Not Eating

Could leopard gecko lizards that are not eating be caused by poor husbandry or based on territorial behavior? [...]
Handling Chameleons

Handling Chameleons

The guy at the reptile show said that if I handled my chameleon enough he would not bite when he was older. Is this true? [...]

Chameleon Lizard With Long Nails

My lizard’s nails are getting long. Do I or a vet need to trim them? [...]

Lizard Spaying And Neutering

Can lizards be sterilized, and how difficult is this procedure? [...]

Meller’s Chameleon Care

Why is the Meller's Chameleon so difficult to take care of? [...]

Mixing Different Lizard Species

Can I put a bearded dragon and a frilled dragon in the same cage? [...]
1 5 6 7 8 168 / 175 POSTS