Category: Lizard Breeding

Breeding Hybrid Lizards
Will breeding a gold dust with lined day gecko work? [...]
Monitor Sexing And Breeding
How do you sex and breed monitors? [...]
Peach-throat Reproduction
Peach-throat online exclusive. [...]
Breeding Iguanas – Article References
Plan ahead to account for a female iguana's reproduction cycle. [...]

Breeding Banded Geckos
I’d like to know more about breeding banded gecko lizards. [...]
Breeding Bibron’s Geckos
Basic information on conditioning Bibron's Geckos for breeding. [...]

Candling Reptile Eggs
How long does it take to know whether a reptile egg is good? [...]
Keeping And Breeding Crocodile Skinks
What can you tell me about keeping and breeding crocodile skinks? [...]

Inbreeding Reptiles
Tightly inbreeding lines of distinctive morphs is fairly common in herpetoculture. [...]
Gecko Lizard With Dystocia And Egg Problems
My gecko has problems passing eggs or dystocia. What is wrong with her? [...]
Water Dragon Egg Laying Problem
Can a water dragon produce one egg at a time over a long period? [...]
Lizard Sexing And DNA Testing
I have had many inquiries about performing DNA sexing on lizards and reptiles. [...]
Sexing Leopard Geckos
How do you tell the difference between leopard gecko sexes? [...]