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California Proposed Herp Ban

New California regulations to ban frogs, turtles and beaded lizards.

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On Wednesday, March 3, 2010, there will be a California Fish and Game Commission meeting to discuss proposals to ban all nonnative turtles and frogs, as well as severely restrict the ownership of beaded lizards. The meeting will be held in Ontario, Calif.

USARK has hired a professional representative to attend this meeting to defend the interests of California herpers. The USARK delegation will include President Andrew Wyatt, Director Gary Bagnall and Senior Advisor George Osborn.

USARK and the Reptile Nation’s position on the proposed rule changes is as follows:

1. We appreciate California Fish and Game and their desire to protect California, but all of the facts have not yet been considered.

2. To date no industry experts have testified, and no hard evidence has been submitted to justify severe regulatory changes.

3. If enacted, regulatory changes banning nonnative turtles and frogs, as well as beaded lizards, could have a serious impact on the economy of California and result in loss of jobs.

4. Serious consideration needs to be given to alternative proposals prior to any rule making.

5. We urge caution be used in assessing potential legal ramifications of any actions taken that would negatively impact legal commerce in captive bred turtles, frogs and beaded lizards.

We have hired professional consultants to help us fight this proposed ban on turtles, frogs and beaded lizards. The financial costs are high.

Take Action to Stop the Ban on Frogs, Turtles and Beaded Lizards Today!

1. Click here if you are a California business owner.

2. Click here for all other stakeholders.

What happens in California can set precedent across the country. Don’t let ill conceived regulations destroy the Reptile Nation.

Andrew Wyatt is the President of the United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) and has been an avid herp enthusiast for more than 35 years. He has traveled the world and has had his animals featured in a number of television productions. For more information about USARK, click here .

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