Breeder’s Choice – Pastel Boa

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Breeder’s Choice – Pastel Boa

Pastel Boa (Boa constrictor imperator)

New USGS Snake Report Criticized
August 2008 Editor's Note
Anole Lizard Care

Submitted by:

Todd and Linda Peddle

Tarsand Serpents


Breeder Comments

“We produced this pastel in 2007 by pairing a 2003 normal male that showed some nice pinks on his sides to a 2004 female pastel. Even though the pastel boa is not a rare or expensive morph, it is still a trait in boas that many keepers fancy and enjoy. It’s one of our favorites. Some breeders use the pastel gene to make salmon, albino and motley boas look a little nicer by adding that pastel touch, which highly reduces black pigment and can result in an explosion of color.”