Breeder’s Choice – carpet python

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Breeder’s Choice – carpet python

Axanthic jaguar coastal carpet python (Morelia spilota mcdowelli)

Handle With Care
U.K. Vets Said Exotic Pets Are Top Priority
Many New Herps Found In The Past Decade.

Submitted By:

Bard Meringen

Breeder Comments

“In 2007 my male jaguar coastal carpet python believed to be heterozygous axanthic was bred to a probable axanthic female. No axanthic jags were produced, but an axanthic was. Grief! But I was now sure the axanthic look was genetic, which hadn’t been proven yet. On July 20, 2008, the axanthic jag took its first breath of air. I was ecstatic! It’s 9 months old in the photo. This mutation is a genetic key crucial to produce snow jaguars and many other killer combos. I, for one, cannot wait.”