Author: Gerold Merker

Herping The United States
While visiting a reptile show brings a bunch of reptiles in one place, there is nothing like seeing them in the wild. [...]

Captive Breeding Of Gray-Banded Kingsnakes
Expert breeding tips for the gray-banded kingsnake. [...]

Rosy Boa Care Sheet
Care sheet for the rosy boa (Lichanura trivirgata). [...]

Gray-Banded Kingsnake Care Sheet
Care Sheet for the Gray-Banded Kingsnake (Lampropeltis alterna). [...]

Jeweled Lacerta Breeding
Expert Tips on Breeding the Jeweled Lacerta [...]
Guidelines To Wild Pursuits
Supplement and references for the February 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Guidelines to Wild Pursuits." [...]

Enticing Problem Reptiles To Feed
Supplement to the July 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Feed Me!" [...]
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