Author: Chris Leone

The Angulate Tortoise Of South Africa
Meet “Rooipens skilpad,” otherwise known as the angulate tortoise, also known as the bowsprit tortoise. [...]

Hermann's Tortoise Care And Information
The Hermann’s tortoise has remained a heavyweight champion in the reptile community for decades. [...]

The Leopard Tortoise Of Africa
Awesome beauty, a calm demeanor and a hefty size— what’s not to love about the leopard tortoise? [...]

How To Brumate A Tortoise
Brumating captive tortoises is a matter of choice, so choose wisely. [...]

The Burmese Star Tortoise
Captive breeding may be the last chance of survival for the Burmese star tortoise. [...]

West African Mud Turtle Information And Care
Because reptile enthusiasts usually focus their attention on the more attractive species, the less impactful animals often go unnoticed. Unfortunately [...]

West African Mud Turtle Care Sheet
West African Mud Turtle (Pelusios castaneus)
The West African mud turtle is a medium sized, aquatic turtle found throughout West Africa. Highly ada [...]

Greek Tortoise Care Sheet
Care sheet for the Greek tortoise.

Breeding Blanding’s Turtles
Tips on breeding Blandings turtles [...]
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