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Actor Chris Pratt Takes His Bearded Dragon Out For A Walk

Leo, a domestic pet lizard, or DPL, goes out for a stroll in support of #TakeYourLizardForAWalkDay.

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Chris Pratt, who helped protect the galaxy in "Guardians of the Galaxy" and trained velociraptors in "Jurassic World" took his bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), Leo, out for a stroll in Los Angeles last week, in support of #TakeYourLizardForAWalkDay, a seemingly innocuous herping holiday for those who like to walk their lizards.

Bearded Dragon Care Sheet

Pratt, of course, had Leo on a leash, and declared that, “in 2018 fewer that 1 in 12 DPL’s (domestic pet lizards) even have leashes and even fewer than that will even go on a nice relaxing walk with their owner. Demand action now.”

Pratt wanted to shed light on other lizards not as fortunate as Leo, being able to go “out for a glorious and relaxing walk with their owner” Pratt then started singing. 

Leo, is a star on Instagram himself. He appears in no less than two movies on Pratt’s page. We’ve posted an additional one for you to check out. The production values are tremendous! One shot cost $40 million!

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular lizards kept as pets. They are a favorite of celebrities as well. Supermodel Elle Macpherson has a pet bearded dragon as does Nicole Richie, who we wrote about here.

They are great pets for intermediate reptile keepers and are widely captive bred.