American Toad Care And History
If you’ve lived in the United States long enough, chances are that you’ve been greeted by hopping, warty friends on rainy days during warmer months [...]
Review: In Situ Ecosystems Amazonia Classic Terrarium
In just five years, In Situ Ecosystems has built and outfitted terrariums that are designed to enable you to easily create rainforest habitats. [...]
Care and Breeding Fire-bellied Toads
Fire-bellied toads are not true toads, but rather are frogs that average about 1.5 to 3.5 inches (4 to 9 cm) in length. [...]
Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium Review
The Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium is a stunning display piece and makes for a stand-out addition to any reptile or aquarium room. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]
Keeping and Breeding Red-eyed Treefrogs
Red-eyed treefrogs are fairly easy to house – lucky you! These animals do not get exceptionally large but do require a bit of room as adults. [...]
Creating Microhabitats For Frogs
Amphibian enthusiasts who have cleared the first few hurdles of the hobby, who are comfortable with the ins and outs of general husbandry, are ready [...]
Caring For The African Dwarf Frog
When people hear the word frog, they picture a giant green frog with bulgy eyes hopping through the grass. Or perhaps perched upon a tree branch croak [...]
Keeping White’s Treefrogs
Few frogs are as instantly recognizable as the chubby White's treefrog (Ranoidea caerulea). So named after John White, who first described the species [...]
Expert Care Of The Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt
With proper care, the Japanese fire-bellied newt can live more than 25 years. [...]