2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack Winners!


2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack Winners!

Congratulations to the three winners of the 2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack  Contest.      Angela De Palatis 1

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Drawn To Reptiles 2013 Reptile Contests

Congratulations to the three winners of the 2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack  Contest. 


red tailed boa

Angela De Palatis

1st place prize of $200 went to Angela De Palatis for red-tailed boa constrictor.


Brother's Island tuatara

Lisa Sharp

2nd place prize of $100 went to Lisa Sharp for Brother's Island tuatara.


Western hognose snake

Joshua French

3rd place prize of $50 went to Joshua French for Western hognose snake.


Thanks to all who participated in the  2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack Contest. We received plenty of nice entries and hope you enter the next contest in 2016! Check the slide show for more entries.