
Jackson’s Chameleon Care Sheet Archived Comments

My Male is.not eating much..my female gets most of the food...wild caught I believe they are mates and she may be pregnant..any ideas as to why he won

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My Male is.not eating much..my female gets most of the food…wild caught I believe they are mates and she may be pregnant..any ideas as to why he wont feed..or is he letting her eat
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 8, 2019 05:18 PM

I have a 6-month old male who lives in a paludarium with some minnows in the water. I had a wall mounted cave for him, but he never used it so I took it out. He chills 95% of the time on a grape wood branch. There is no fogger, the water and the UV/heat bulb keep humidity levels between 40% and 80% (depending on the time of year – so far so good! I mist heavily some plastic ivy at the back 2x a day for water. He is usually a brilliant green.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 7, 2019 03:16 PM

We just got a Jackson chameleon yesterday…he’s in a pretty good sized terrarium with lots of the wire branches, plants, dripper, lights and drip pool. He came from petco, and he really liked the girl there…he was really lively, and and would come down to the bottom of the terrarium to see us when we’d visit. Last night we brought him home and put him in his new home, but he seems so scared. He just holds onto the branch near his lights and closes his eyes, and won’t open them. He ate some crickets last night, but is there anything we should/shouldn’t do to help him get used to us?
Posted by Anonymous, May 21, 2019 07:08 PM

What do you feed a baby Jackson? We have many upcountry Maui. This guy may have fallen out of a tree & ended up in my garage with a spider web on his face preventing him from opening his mouth. I removed it & now he thinks I’m his Mommy & won’t go in the tree. He’s only about 3” long.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 5, 2019 04:40 PM

You got the scientific name wrong. It’s actually triceros jacksonii jacksonii. Also, the vast majority of Jackson’s Chameleons on the current market are wild caught from Hawaii (for xantholophus.) As for jacksonii jacksonii, virtually all specimens for sale are wild caught. I don’t know a single person who breeds them and I know a ton of chameleon breeders.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 17, 2018 06:17 PM

You got the scientific name wrong. It’s actually triceros jacksonii jacksonii. Also, the vast majority of Jackson’s Chameleons on the current market are wild caught from Hawaii (for xantholophus.) As for jacksonii jacksonii, virtually all specimens for sale are wild caught. I don’t know a single person who breeds them and I know a ton of chameleon breeders.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 17, 2018 06:17 PM

I’m planning to buy my first chameleon next week and I found this guide http://dld.bz/mychameleonguide while I was looking for a book that would cover all the basis of what a chameleon owner needs to know.
Posted by Anonymous, May 3, 2018 02:56 AM

What is a good temperature for the water when rainstorm simulating?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 9, 2017 12:44 PM

310 350 3052 text or call me if u live in orange county or LA area in California if you have a female Jackson’s chameleon and want to breed with my adult male!…
Posted by isaiah m., Aug 7, 2017 02:49 AM

Very informative, thank you. Coessens@aol.com
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 5, 2017 10:26 AM

Any body want a 20$ Jackson Chameleon I have 4 hatch-lings all male. If so call 214-205-8952
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 4, 2017 08:08 PM

Could you explain an Chameleon’s eating habits when Pregnant?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 12, 2016 06:49 AM

I’m sorry I didn’t mean top send that.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 11, 2016 05:47 AM

I’m sorry I didn’t mean top send that.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 11, 2016 05:41 AM

they are cute
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 10, 2016 01:55 AM

I am confused about gut loading with store bought vitamins. Are you supposed to do this every feeding, or a certain amount every few weeks? This article does not specify (which made me think it to be every feeding), but other websites say to gutfeed vitamins/calcium dust a certain amount (and otherwise feed crickets cricket food/veggies). What exactly is the proper method?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 9, 2016 12:52 AM

“they are so fun and cute and cool when they are in a surent mood they change color cool right if you want to no more then look up jackson chmeleon they are cute animals look up jackson chameleon .com thank
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 20, 2016 12:45 PM

no there not
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 13, 2016 12:55 PM

Despite what it may seem as they are passive & slow moving, i do not believe they like the attention of humans.. Most wild creatures do not
Posted by starfish, Jul 31, 2016 08:11 PM

“We live on the big island of Hawaii. For the past 30 years we have created a beautiful 3 acre forest.We have a waterfall that runs about 4 months a year. But we do not get very much rainfall. We noticed one chameleon on our land about 5 years ago. In the past 3 years we have seen more. In the past 4 months we have found 7 dead ones. Is it something there eating. Or not enough water? The chameleons we have seen are thin compared to your pictures. Our property is organic, but maybe they are eating something they should’t. We have thousands of cockroaches. Any suggestions?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 18, 2016 09:13 PM

“to the march 24, 2015 6;21 pm,

yes she might be pregnant.
my jackson did not eat for a week, but was drinking very much. ate very fast and alot of crickets right after birth.
Posted by Anonymous, May 24, 2016 07:37 AM

I have a wild Jackson female about 3 years old.She has never been ill or been exposed to another lizard. In the last month she has developed a cyst or pustule? on her side about 6 mm in diameter. It appears to have a mound of normal scales and a small black collection in the center. Can anyone give me information on this? I’m a doctor and I think I will lance it soon> I suspect some type of parasitic larva to come out of this lesion. What is it? Help! If you can refer me to anyone who might know. She seems completely fit, and not concernerd> Bob
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 16, 2016 09:56 PM

If your chameleon is always at the bottom of your enclosure, check your temps (she may be too hot) and if that isn’t the issue, consider offering more vines of varying thicknesses.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 26, 2016 11:26 PM

“my female jacksons chameleon usually god to the bottom of her enclosure down the ficus tree
im not sure why
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 15, 2016 10:58 PM

To the SEP 5, 2015 02:33 PM submission…take the chameleon to the vet. It could be something benign or it could be more serious. When in doubt go to the exotic species vet.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 12, 2016 02:53 AM

uummm, no questions got answered
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 6, 2016 09:49 PM