Why Is My Chinese Water Dragon Skinny?


Why Is My Chinese Water Dragon Skinny?

If your water dragon looks skinny to you, please seek out a veterinarian to run a fecal test.

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I’ve had a Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) for about a year and feel it’s really skinny and not growing. It is brown but under his belly it is green. I’m worried because other people post pictures and theirs are bright green. What do I do?

Ryan Utley, Hamburg, N.Y.

Chinese water dragon


If your water dragon looks skinny to you, please seek out a veterinarian to run a fecal test.

If your water dragon looks skinny to you, please seek out a veterinarian to run a fecal test and make sure it doesn’t have parasites or a vitamin deficiency. Start keeping a journal of when your dragon eats and what. Record when it goes to the bathroom and if it is getting enough water. Report all of these findings to your veterinarian.

Also, please read the care information on Chinese water dragons here