USARK Volunteer

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USARK Volunteer

By Andrew Wyatt

Abandoned Red-Eared Slider Finds Home in New York Public Library
The Texas Spot-Tailed Earless Lizard Next On Endangered Species List?
Exo Terra Donation Enables PHS to Build Venom Room
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USARK Director of Science and Research  Dr. Warren Booth and USARK President Andrew Wyatt.
Reptile Nation
Reptile Nation.

The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a grass roots organization that lobbies the U.S. Congress and state legislatures on behalf of our thousands of members nationwide, collectively known as the Reptile Nation. We ensure that the rights and privileges of our membership to own, enjoy and trade in herps are protected from unfair government intrusion. In order to do this we rely on our membership base.

USARK is campaign/membership driven and funded. When there are issues to be addressed we provide the tools and resources that allow the voice of our membership to be heard from state capitols to the halls of Congress. This strategy has been amazingly successful. In just a couple short years we have become a dominant force advocating for the interests of herp owners in our community and industry.

One of the most important ways we build the Reptile Nation is through reptile shows. It is a great way to meet the rank and file of the reptile community and sign up new members. USARK has attended eight shows in the last four months; coast-to-coast from California to Florida. Our membership has doubled since June and we plan to continue and even increase this as we move forward.

In order to continue to grow and make the kinds of strides we have, we need your help. We are looking for volunteers from the Reptile Nation to help us around the country. We are looking for serious-minded individuals, preferably with sales experience, who would be interested in helping us with these shows. We need two to four volunteers per show and most shows we attend are two day affairs on a Saturday and Sunday. Duties could include working the USARK booth, signing up new members, getting petitions and letters signed, merchandise sales, and raffles and benefit auctions. Some upcoming destinations are Tampa, Chicago, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

This is hard but satisfying work. There will be USARK gift packs and meals provided for all volunteers. If you think you are up to this vitally important challenge, please send a brief biography and photo of yourself to

Thank you for all of your support. Without you there would be no USARK … no Reptile Nation. If you haven’t joined yet, please go to our membership link and join today. This only works because of you.

Andrew Wyatt is the President of the United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) and has been an avid herp enthusiast for more than 35 years. He has traveled the world and has had his animals featured in a number of television productions. For more information about USARK, click here.

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