The REPTILES 2014 Tat Attack Contest


The REPTILES 2014 Tat Attack Contest

Three winners will receive cash prizes!

2014 REPTILES magazine Tat Attack Winners!
You Know You’re Really Into Reptiles When…Part 6
Winners of The Ultimate Ball Python: Morph Makers Guide!

Update: This Contest is now closed. Stay tuned for winner announcements!

Back by popular demand, this is the sixth incarnation of REPTILES’ popular biennial tattoo contest, and it remains the contest we get asked about most often. “When are you having the Tat Attack contest?” and “Are you having another Tat Attack contest?”—these are commonly asked questions. And as long as enough readers remain enthusiastic about it, we’re happy to accommodate. Welcome to Tat Attack 2014!




How to Enter

Send photos of your tats! Submit as many as you wish, whether they are multiple photos of a single tattoo or photos of several tattoos. Tattoos must belong to the person entering the contest, and all tats must be clearly visible in your photos.

You may email digital photos to Your best bet is to submit photos that are at least 1MB in size, otherwise you risk disqualification because smaller, lower-resolution photos will not reproduce well in the printed magazine. So err on the side of caution by sending in higher-resolution photos that are between 1 and 5MB in size. If preferred, you can also send actual prints to REPTILES, Tat Attack, 3 Burroughs, Irvine, CA 92618.

Your complete name, address, telephone number and e-mail address must be included with each entry, along with a description of your tattoo(s), where on your body they appear and the animal species, if any, that inspired them.

Please remember, REPTILES is a family-oriented magazine. Entries that might be considered offensive should not be submitted. Use your best judgment in defining “offensive.” REPTILES reserves the right to disqualify any images the editors deem unsuitable for any reason.


Who Should Enter

You must be at least 18 years old to enter the Tat Attack tattoo contest.

Tattoos of actual reptile and amphibian species are great, but they may also feature tribal, Celtic and other designs that incorporate images of reptiles and/or amphibians, whether or not the animals are recognizable species. That said, tattoos featuring recognizable species may be given special consideration.

Tattoos featuring reptilian creatures such as dinosaurs, dragons and other mythological beasties will not be considered.


Cash Prizes!

First-, second- and third-place winners will be chosen by the REPTILES editorial staff.

* First place wins $200.

* Second place wins $100.

* Third place wins $50.


Photos of the winning tattoos will be published in the December 2014 issue of REPTILES, and they will also be featured on this website, as well, possibly with a selection of runner-up photos (sorry, no payment will be made for these).


The deadline to submit your photos is AUGUST 1, 2014.

See Past Winners!

REPTILES Tat Attack! 2008 Winners

REPTILES Tat Attack! 2010 Winners

REPTILES Tat Attack! 2012 Winners

As usual, we expect to get some great submissions, and we look forward to sharing the winning photos with everybody when they are revealed in the December issue. Good luck!

Entrants must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the United States or Canada. Prize money will be paid by check in U.S. dollars for the amounts shown; if a winner lives in Canada, it will be that person’s responsibility to exchange the check for the equivalent in Canadian currency, and to pay any fees that may be associated with doing so. Photos must be of entrants’ own tattoos, and not of other people, taken off the Internet, etc. If an entry is misrepresented, the entrant and not REPTILES magazine, or i5 Publishing, LLC, will be held accountable for any infringement or third-party claims. Winners will be notified by email concurrently with the release of the December 2014 issue of REPTILES. Employees of i5 Publishing are not eligible to enter the contest.