Tag: Aldabra tortoise
Jonathan the Tortoise, the World’s Oldest Land Animal, Celebrates 191st Birthday
Aldabra tortoises are so named because of where they are found in the wild, the Aldabran Atoll off the coast of the Seychelles [...]

Jonathan The World’s Oldest Giant Tortoise Celebrates 190th Birthday
Jonathan, an Aldabra giant tortoise (Geochelone gigantea) who also happens to be the world’s oldest land animal, celebrated his 190th birthday at his [...]
27 Captive Bred Aldabra Tortoises Released On Seychelles’ Desroches Island
The Island Conservation Society on the Seychelles Islands announced it has released 27 Aldabra giant tortoises (Geochelone gigantea) on the wild side [...]
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