But other reptile business keeps getting in my way!

Ever feel like this guy?
Perhaps you’ve noticed that the frequency of my blog has been unpredictable lately. I first dipped my toe into the blog waters back in 2009, when my first blog was posted on January 9. Happily, people seemed to enjoy my ramblings, the page on the website got a lot of hits, and it was decided that I would continue. At that time, the blog was weekly. Then we had the idea that because people seemed to be reading it regularly, why not try a daily blog? I was the only editor here at BowTie to undertake that, and the daily blog began on May 6, 2009. And it seemed to hold readers’ interest, too. The only problem was, not surprisingly, time. I simply didn’t have enough of it to be able to maintain a daily blog, so after a month of daily blogs, the frequency changed to three a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I was able to stick with three a week for several months, but once again time became an issue and around about January of 2010, the frequency became slightly erratic, with a couple to one blog a week. Eventually, it became a firm once-a-week schedule, and more recently, it’s been more like a couple per month.
I appreciate everyone who reads “Random Neural Firings,” and I have no intention of stopping it altogether. I am afraid, however, that until further notice it’s going to continue to have to take a back seat to some of my other duties. There are only two editors, myself and my managing editor, Stephanie Starr, putting out REPTILES magazine now, and the magazine has to be my top priority. Eventually, once a year, there’s also Reptiles USA to think about. As a matter of fact, I’ve been editing this year’s Reptiles USA articles, trying to get the jump on them so we’re not feeling as hammered once we’re in production of the annual in earnest. When that happens, Steph and I are putting out two magazines in one month, and that’s always a whirlwind of activity.
Complicating matters is I also have recently lost my web editor, so my attention has been diverted to interviewing and finding a replacement for him, while still making sure that a variety of ReptileChannel duties that he handled continues to be done. Truth be told, another chunk of my time has been taken up by moderating the REPTILES Facebook page. Are you a fan yet? If not, be one! You’ll get regular shorter ramblings from me on there. Plus there are contests, free monthly subscription giveaways for Facebook fans, and other fun stuff.
“Random Neural Firings of a REPTILES Editor” will still be here, and my hope is to try to get back on the once-a-week schedule as soon as I can. So wish me luck! Maybe in the meantime you could re-read some of my past blogs. Newer readers, especially, may find them informative and entertaining (at least I hope so!). There are 202 “Random Neural Firings” blogs available for your perusal. Thanks again to all my regular readers!