Spring Herping


Spring Herping

The spring sun is out and so are the reptiles.

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Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Western Fence Lizard

Have you ever tried to go herping during the Winter? It’s not possible in most parts of the country. Here in Southern California, we can find reptiles most times of the year, but you’ll still mostly only see them here seasonally, as you would in every other part of the U.S.

Springtime brings warmer weather and with this warmer weather, reptiles begin coming out from their winter hibernations and hidey holes. As summer approaches, reptiles become more and more visible while we are out enjoying the great outdoors.

I too come out of my hidey hole when the weather warms. I recently went for hikes in some wilderness parks here in Southern California (Whiting Ranch and Caspers Wilderness Park). I encountered several Western fence lizards, which are quite abundant. In this blog you’ll see some pics of these common lizards.

Have you gone for your first herping trip of the year yet? What did you find? What are some common herps in your area? Let us know in the comment field below.

Also, share your herping pics at the “Into the Wild” subforum at the ReptileChannel Forums.

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