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Reptiles Magazine 0602

Check out what’s inside the February 2006 issue of Reptiles magazine.

Breeder’s Choice – Albino Carpet python
Reptiles Magazine 0312
Florida Alligator Hunting


This Month:
December 2005


Daytona Days!

Snapshots from the 2005 National Reptile Breeder’s Expo in Daytona Beach.

Photos by Russ Case


Salamander From Hell

A pioneer provides a glimpse into the secretive life of the Florida cave salamander.

By David S. Lee

Reptilian Mood Rings: Panther Chameleons

With a color for nearly every mood. Furcifer pardalis is sure to brighten your herpetoculture experience.

By Jim Flaherty and Bill Love 


Snake Hunting North of the Border

Search high and low for snakes in the Alberta, Badlands, on Lake Erie Islands and in the prairies of Canada.

By Robert McManus


Take the Okefenokee Plunge

Three days in this herp lover’s swampy paradise reveals gators, cottomouths and more.

By Philip A. Purser


A Serpentine Holy Grail

The Boelen’s python stands out as one of the final breeding challenges of the genus Morelia.

By Ari Flagle and Erik Daniel Stoops



Herp Photography Tip

Candling Monitor Eggs

Beardie Santa           





The Editor’s Desk


Reptile News & Trivia

Herpetological Queries

Ask the Breeder

Breeder’s Choice

Veterinarian Q & A

Notes from the Field

Bits & Pieces

The Living Vivarium


Cold-Blooded Events


Advertiser Index

Living With Reptiles