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Reptiles Magazine 0310

Check out what’s inside the October 2003 issue of Reptiles magazine.

Breeder’s Choice – Pastel Boa
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2012 REPTILES Tat Attack! Contest

This month:
October 2003

From Spectacles to Spitters 
A cobra breeder provides multiple species descriptions and some care and breeding tips for advanced hobbyists.

Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Reptiles
Herps, and frequently turtles and tortoises, routinely square off among themselves.

XXL Salamanders
Japanese and Chinese giant salamanders, hellbenders and others – meet the King Kongs of the amphibian world.

Common Ailments in Captive Reptiles
Understand what causes illness in your pet herps.

The New Dragon on the Horizon
Mountain horned dragons (Acanthosaura spp.), once considered rare and delicate, may be making a comeback.


The Editor’s Desk
Reptile News & Trivia
Veterinarian Q&A
Herpetological Queries
Ask the Breeder
Bits & Pieces
Notes From the Field
Spineless Wonders
Cold-Blooded Events
Living With Reptiles