REPTILES Exclusive 2012 Magazine Bonus Material

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REPTILES Exclusive 2012 Magazine Bonus Material

Exclusive bonus material from REPTILES magazine 2011

February 2010 Editor’s Note
Marine Reptiles
New Rules For Florida Herp Owners In 2008

Just for! Be the first to checkout exclusive bonus material from REPTILES magazine. For in-depth coverage on these stories and more, pick up the latest issue of REPTILES magazine.

2011 REPTILES Exclusive Magazine Bonus Material>>


July 2012
July 2012 REPTILES
bullet Three-toed Box Turtle Hibernation
Bonus content from the July 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Third Toe is the Charm." Bonus content
bullet How to Find and Collect Swifts and Spiny Lizards
Bonus content from the July 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Swift and Spiny." Bonus content
bullet Ringed Python Hatchling Care Tips
Bonus content from the July 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Jewel of Bismarck." Bonus content
bullet Successfully Reproducing Mexican Kingsnakes in Captivity
Bonus content from the July 2012 REPTILES magazine article "The Kings of Mexico." Bonus content



June 2012
June 2012 REPTILES
bullet Surinam Underwater Toads – tankmates
Bonus content from the June 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Beyond Weird." More>>
bullet Breeding Pancake Tortoises
Start with a pair of healthy Malacochersus tornieri.
By Ashley Rademacher. More>>



May 2012
bullet Dart Frog Toxicity
Bonus content from the May 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Golden Opportunity." More>>
bullet The Current Status of Galapagos Tortoises
Bonus content from the May 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Miracle Babies: Breeding Galapagos Tortoises in Captivity" More>>



April 2012
April 2012
bullet Softshell Turtles Around the World
Bonus content from the April 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Mr. Softy." More>>
bullet Shocking Sights at Two Texas Rattlesnake Roundups
Bonus content from the April 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Rattlesnake Roundups." More>>
bullet Other Phelsuma Worth Knowing
Bonus content from the April 2012 REPTILES magazine article "A Celebrity Lizard Exposed." More>>



March 2012
REPTILES magazine
bullet Breeding the Argus Monitor in Captivity
Bonus content from the March 2012 REPTILES magazine article "An Owner's guide to the Argus Monitor." More>>
bullet Breeding Cinnamon Frogs in Captivity
Bonus content from the March 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Spice Things Up." More>>
February 2012
REPTILES magazine

An Interview with Orinoco Crocodile Expert Dr. Andrés Eloy Seijas
Bonus content from the February 2012 REPTILES magazine article "The Misunderstood Boomslang." More>>

bullet Leopard Lizard Reference
Bonus content from the February 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Leaping Lizards." More>>
bullet Care for the Boomslang
Bonus content from the February 2012 REPTILES magazine article "The Misunderstood Boomslang." More>>


January 2012
REPTILES magazine January 2012
bullet Breed Kenyan Sand Boas
Bonus content from the January 2012 REPTILES magazine article "African Treasure." More>>
bullet A Bevy of Sand Boa Options
Bonus content from the January 2012REPTILES magazine article "African Treasure. More>>
bullet In Search of the Giant Ethiopian Leopard Tortoise
Bonus content from the January 2012 REPTILES magazine article "Spotted and Spectacular. More>>