REPTILES Exclusive 2009 Magazine Bonus Material

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REPTILES Exclusive 2009 Magazine Bonus Material

Exclusive bonus material from REPTILES magazine 2009.

Zoo Med Promotes Quinn To Director Of Education
Breeding Savannah Monitors
Breeder's Choice

REPTILES Magazine Exclusive Material

Just for! Be the first to checkout exclusive bonus material from REPTILES magazine. For in-depth coverage on these stories and more, pick up the latest issue of REPTILES magazine.

2008 REPTILES Exclusive Magazine Bonus Material>>

December 2009
REPTILES December 2009
Green Iguana Handling Tips
Bonus content from the December 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Going Green.” More>>
Breeding Alpine Newts
Bonus content from the December 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Resilient Beauty.” More>>
Breeding Fat-Tailed Geckos
Bonus content from the December 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Up-and-Coming Gecko.” More>>

November 2009
REPTILES November 2009
Breeding Green Anacondas
Bonus content from the November 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Legendary Leviathan.”
By Jordan Russell
Spotted Turtle References
References from the November 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Marked for Popularity.”
By Russ Gurley

October 2009
REPTILES October 2009
“Herp Halloween Costume Craze!” Contest
Enter the REPTILES Halloween costume contest. More>>
Tremper Albino Leopard Gecko
Bonus content from the October 2009 REPTILES magazine column “The Breeder’s Notebook.” More>>
Carpet Chameleon Breeding
Bonus content from the October 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Magic Carpet.” More>>

September 2009
REPTILES September 2009
“Herp Halloween Costume Craze!” Contest
Enter the REPTILES Halloween costume contest. More>>
New Caledonian Giant Gecko Parthenogenesis?
Hobbyists say they might have stumbled upon parthenogenesis in Rhacodactylus leachianus. More>>
Indian Star Tortoise Diet
Bonus content from the September 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Shining Star.” More>>

August 2009
REPTILES August 2009
“Drawn To” REPTILES Amateur Art Contest Winners
Check out the winners, and notable entries, from the 2009 “Drawn To” REPTILES Amateur Art Contest. More>>

July 2009
REPTILES July 2009
Tortoise Feeding and Nutrition Video
Check out the ReptileChannel Tortoise Feeding and Nutrition video. More>>
Breeding Golden Greek Tortoises
Bonus content from the July 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Good as Gold.” More>>
Breeding Red-Footed and Yellow-Footed Tortoises
Bonus content from the July 2009 REPTILES article “Best Foot Forward.” More>>

June 2009
REPTILES June 2009
Breeding New Caledonian Giant Geckos
Bonus content from the June 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Island Giants.” More>>
Leopard Tortoise Care and Breeding
Leopard tortoise care and breeding information. More>>
REPTILES magazine’s amateur art contest. More>>

May 2009
Blue-Tongued Skink Sexing
Bonus content from the May 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Lovin’ the Blues.” More>>
Sulcata Tortoise Breeding
Bonus content from the May 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Spurred Samsons.” More>>
Sulcata Tortoise Health Problems
Bonus content from the May 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Spurred Samsons.” More>>

April 2009
REPTILES April 2009
Breeding Silurana Frogs
Bonus content from the April 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Clawing to the Top.”
By Patrick C. Morgan
REPTILES magazine’s amateur art contest.

March 2009
REPTILES March 2009
Breeding Giant Day Geckos
Bonus content from the March 2009 REPTILES magazine article “King-Size Gecko.”
By Leann and Greg Christenson
REPTILES magazine’s amateur art contest.

February 2009
REPTILES February 2009
Breeding the Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii)
Bonus content from the February 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Vivid and Vigorous.”
By Paul Vander Schouw
Spotted Turtle Care and Breeding Information
The attractive spotted turtle has serious conservation needs.
By David S. Lee

January 2009
REPTILES January 2009
Breeding the Golden Thread Turtle
Supplement to the January 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Precious Chelonian.”
By Paul Vander Schouw

How to Appraise and Protect Herp Coins
Supplement to the January 2009 REPTILES magazine article “Herps Craved & Engraved.”
By Dave Fogel