
Reptile Jobs And Employment

Job listings for adults passionate about reptiles.

Breeding Fat-Tailed Geckos
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March 2010 Editor's Note

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Ph.D Position with Swiss National Science Foundation to Study Aldabara Tortoises
Posted October 1, 2012

Experience Requirements:

About Us:
We have a 3-year SNF-funded PhD position available in our group at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland: "From understanding to predicting: Giant tortoises as drivers of the seed dispersal network of Aldabra".

The Aldabra Atoll in the Western Indian Ocean is home to 100,000 giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) – the largest surviving population of giant tortoises in the world. The project aims at dramatically improving our understanding of the role of the giant tortoises as seed dispersers.

We will investigate multiple levels of ecological organisation, from individual behaviour and the outcome of pairwise interactions, to community-level interaction patterns.

The project has three components:

1) developing a theoretical individual-based model of seed dispersal by giant tortoises and experimentally field-testing its predictions by radio tracking artificial ingestible seeds

2) constructing the seed dispersal network of Aldabra (camera trapping, fecal analyses), and

3) experimentally evaluating the effect of tortoise gut passage on seed germination and seedling establishment. The preferred starting date is mid-2013, and applicants should have or expect to obtain an MSc (or equivalent) in a relevant field. Review of applications starts on 01 November 2012, but candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

How to Apply

More information and application details can be found here:

Snake Evolutionary Ecologist

Posted September 29, 2008

Experience Requirements:

Ph.D. Student

About Us:

I am seeking a Ph.D. student to join my research group starting in September 2009 to begin studies in the general area of snake evolutionary ecology. Major research focusing on questions about the evolutionary, ecological, and functional basis of venom variation using rattlesnakes of the genus Sistrurus as a model system. I am interested in recruiting students who will build on the results of our previous venom research by developing their own projects in this area but am equally interested in students who are keen to develop other projects in the general area of snake evolutionary ecology. Students who are interested in research which combines both lab and field work are especially encouraged to apply.

Guaranteed funding of over $23,000 per year for a minimum of 5 years (plus tuition and partial coverage of health benefits) is available through a combination of Graduate Teaching Assistantships, Research Assistantships, and University Fellowships.

For more information on the lab, click here

For information on the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology at Ohio State University, including the Graduate Program, click here

How to Apply:

For additional information or to apply please contact me by email and include a cover letter describing your background and why you are interested in my lab — a CV, GRE scores, unofficial copy of your transcripts and contact information for 3 references. Lisle Gibbs gibbs.128@osu.edu

Amphibian Specialist
Posted September 26, 2008

Experience Requirements:

Degree in biology or zoology or equivalent, plus 2 years experience working with amphibians, aquaculture, or a related area.

About Us:

The Atlanta Botanical Garden, located in midtown Atlanta, Georgia, needs a talented, energetic and knowledgeable Amphibian Specialist to work with the garden’s world- renowned amphibian collection. The Atlanta Botanical Garden began its amphibian program in 1993 and currently houses multiple educational exhibits featuring frogs as well as maintains a large and very diverse off-exhibit collection for conservation purposes.

Job Requirements:

The candidate must be dependable, friendly and a self-starter and should be proficient with and competent in husbandry, capture and restraint, propagation, nutrition and proper record keeping of a large collection. There may be some field and travel required for this position. No relocation assistance is available for this position. Observe general animal health and behavior and report any abnormal situations to the Lead Amphibian Specialist and/or Amphibian Conservation Scientist. Be responsible for general care and feeding of the collection as well as exhibit and records upkeep. Minimum of two years experience in amphibian, reptile, turtle, and/or aquatics husbandry is required. Be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Work a schedule that includes weekends and holidays for proper care of collection. Be able to lift heavy objects (up to 60 pounds). Have good communication, presentation, and organizational skills, as well as work in a team environment.

How to Apply:

Please send cover letter and resume with salary requirements to: jobs@atlantabotanicalgarden.org with the subject line – Amphibian Specialist. No phone calls, please.