Proposed Indiana Reptile Regulations

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Proposed Indiana Reptile Regulations

Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife Division, proposes changes for rules governing reptiles, amphibians and fish.

From The Editor’s Desk 2012
Did Ancient Marine Reptiles Explode After Death?
Dr. Carl Gans

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife Division, has proposed revisions to regulations pertaining to the sale and possession of reptiles, amphibians and fish. The changes are deemed non-substantive by the state and mostly deal with clarifying certain requirements.

In a pet alert issued Aug. 14, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) highlighted several proposed changes. They include:

Section 9-5-6 Collection and possession of reptiles and amphibians native to Indiana
Under this section, any individual would be allowed to take reptiles and amphibians native to Indiana from the wild. Harvest limitations are set as well as the methods of collection a person may use for certain species. Permit requirements apply for the possession of some species, such as venomous reptiles and Eastern box turtles.

• Section 9-5-7.5 Sale of turtles not native to Indiana
This new section suggests banning the sale of turtles with carapaces less than four inches long.

• Section 9-5-8 Possession, sales and transport of dangerous reptiles
This section rewords existing regulations to clarify that an individual may not posses, transport for sale or offer for sale a dangerous reptile.

• Section 9-5-9 Reptile captive breeding license
This proposal mainly clarifies the existing law, but it also adds the term “avid reader” when discussing transponders in captive breed stock other than reptiles. As proposed, this section would read: “A transponder must be implanted in each specimen. The type of transponder must be able to be read by an avid reader.”

• Section 9-6-11 Commercial shipment or processing of fish
Under this section, a person would not be allowed to ship fish into or within Indiana for commercial purposes unless the shipment is accompanied by a dated bill of lading setting forth the species, number or poundage; origin; destination; and name and address of the purchaser. The proposal also addresses recordkeeping requirements for those who commercially import or sell trout and/or salmon.

• Section 9-11-8 Class III wild animals for which a permit is required
This section would be amended by defining a Class III wild animal as “a wild animal that presents a real or potential threat to human safety.” Among the animals on the list for permits are venomous reptiles and crocodilians that are at least five feet long.

The entire proposal is available online at The public can comment on the proposal at The comment period will remain open through to the public hearing, which can’t be scheduled until the proposal is approved by the state’s Office of Management and Budget. If approved, the earliest a public hearing would be held is November, according to a state spokesman.