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Poison Frog That Fits On A Dime Discovered In Panama

How would you like to see a poison dart frog so small that it can fit on a dime? Believe it as the wonders of the world never ceases to amaze as resea

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How would you like to see a poison dart frog so small that it can fit on a dime? Believe it as the wonders of the world never ceases to amaze as researchers have discovered such a frog in a Panamanian rainforest. 

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Poison Dart Frog Care Sheet

Dart Frog Vivarium Plants

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The frog, Andinobates geminisae is less than half an inch in length and is  burnt orange in coloration. The researchers place the frog in the A. minutes species group and say that it is distinct from other frogs in the group in that it has orange skin that is uniform and smooth over its entire body and is much smaller than other poison frogs in the area.  In addition the male call of Andinobates geminisae is different from that of other Panamanian species of Andinobates, the researchers said.

John B. Virata keeps a ball python, two corn snakes, a king snake, and two leopard geckos. His first snake, a California kingsnake, was purchased at the Pet Place in Westminster, CA for $5. Follow him on Twitter @johnvirata