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Nicki Minaj Backup Dancer Bit By Boa During "Anaconda" Performance

Headline says it all. Weird as it is. A backup dancer performing with a six-foot-long boa constrictor was bit by the snake during Nicki Minaj's &q

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Headline says it all. Weird as it is. A backup dancer performing with a six-foot-long boa constrictor was bit by the snake during Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" rehearsals for the MTV Video Music Awards, according to MTV. The dancer was not identified and was treated on the set by a medic at The Los Angeles Forum and sent to a hospital for treatment, according to Viacom Media.

The snake is owned by Hollywood Animals, a company that provides animals as props for Hollywood. The company’s website says that it provides trained animals for film, television and advertising, though I am not sure how you can train a boa constrictor.

Chris Velvin, director for production safety at Viacom said that Rocky, is a professional entertainment snake who has been in the business for 15 years and has never bit anyone. The show will go on, but with a different snake, and probably not an anaconda.

You can see Minaj's video on YouTube if you wish. Just search Nicki Minaj Anaconda.