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Louisiana House Bill 1354 Now with Senate

Louisiana H.B. 1354 covers regulations for constrictors, "poisonous" snakes.

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A Louisiana bill that seeks to expand current licensing regulations to include certain non-indigenous and venomous snakes could be voted on by the state Senate as early as May 26, according to the United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK). (The legislation refers to the snakes interchangeably as “venomous” and “poisonous,” while USARK refers to them as venomous. Read more about the difference between venom and poison>>)

As written, House Bill 1354 would require any person buying, acquiring or handling any live species of native reptile or amphibian, or any live species of "poisonous" snake, or constrictor, in the state for sale or resale to acquire a reptile and amphibian wholesale/retail dealer’s license. Current law covers native reptiles or amphibians only.


In addition, the bill would require permits for the importation and private possession of constrictor snakes longer than six feet and "venomous" snakes. Permits would be issued by the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Violators would be subject to fines ranging from $250 to $1,000 or imprisonment or both. Violators may also have their permit revoked.

To view the proposed bill, click here.

The bill passed the House of Representatives on May 12 and now sits with the state Senate.

USARK said HB 1354 would arbitrarily make all advanced reptile hobbyists and collectors subject to regulation as a wholesale/retail dealer. According to USARK the measure would put undue financial burdens on its members and “serve absolutely no purpose other than raising money for the state.”
