Spotted Turtle

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Spotted Turtle

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As a captive, the spotted turtle does best in a shallow-water setup with a land area as least as large as the water. Insects, worms, tadpoles and other amphibians are favored foods, and some vegetation, including algae, may be eaten. Adequate space is important. One or two small, spotted turtles could properly live in at least a 55 gallon breeder size tank, but more space is always preferable. Cleanliness is essential for the health of the turtles. Enclosures should be cleaned frequently. Warmth–especially in the form of a basking area–is very important. Most spotted turtles enjoy basking temperatures ranging from 84 to 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Water temperatures between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit are fine. Vitamin D and calcium supplements, used in conjunction with full-spectrum lighting, will give turtles a better chance at good health.


Found in transitional ponds, bogs and slowly meandering streams.


Northeastern United States. Great Lakes region.

Scientific Name: Clemmys guttata
Species Group: turtle
Family: Emydidae
Size: Average 4 inches in length.
Level: intermediate
Weight: N/A
Dangerous: No

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