Emerald Tree Boa

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Emerald Tree Boa

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The emerald tree boa generally displays a green dorsal background color with a cream to yellow ventral stripe. Horizontal white bands run the length of the snake’s back. Emerald tree boas experience ontogenetic color change, going from red, orange and yellow neonates to green adults. Emeralds eat mice and rats, although some keepers may offer the occasional chick or small bird. Offer a small- to medium-sized rat every two weeks to females and every four weeks to males. Corallus caninus is an arboreal snake. It requires a clean, well-ventilated cage measuring at least 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep by 4 feet tall. Its enclosure should feature several sturdy, horizontal branches, as this snake likes to coil on branches while resting. Other cage items include a branch level water bowl, hiding spots, a peat moss substrate and plants. Temperatures should be around 83 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the basking area should be heated to around 90 to 95 degrees. Nocturnal temperatures should fall to around 76 to 78 degrees. A high humidity and a constant airflow are important in maintaining emeralds.



The wet, lowland areas of rain forests.


Tropical rain forests of South America.

Scientific Name: Corallus caninus
Species Group: boa
Family: Boidae
Size: 4 to 8 feet
Level: advanced
Dangerous: No

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