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June 2010 Editor's Note

Virtual Reptile Show

Herper Headshotz – Donald Schultz
Herper Headshotz – Robert Bruce
Breeder's Choice: Wolkberg Dwarf Chameleon

You are likely familiar, if you’re a herper through and through, with reptile shows. You know the scene: You arrive at the venue to walk the aisles with fellow herpers to see all the latest reptile products and the coolest animals. The National Reptile Breeders Expo, the NARBC shows, the Reptile Super Shows, Repticons and many others provide reptile hobbyists a terrific place to shop, and those in the business a terrific place to sell.

I’m now excited to announce a new kind of reptile show, one that I think may be revolutionary. It’s the Virtual Reptile Show, brought to you by Zoo Med Laboratories and ReptileChannel.com.


Visit the Virtual Reptile Show for a taste of the future. There’s no way the excitement and camaraderie of a “brick-and-mortar” reptile expo, with its live reptiles and hustle and bustle, could ever be replaced by an online equivalent, but I think you’ll agree that the Virtual Reptile Show is an interesting new addition to the scene, and one that has a lot of possibilities!

Visit the Virtual Reptile Show at ReptileChannel.com/VRS!