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Jekyll Island To Host Inaugural Southeast Regional Sea Turtle Network's Meeting

Event will hold sea turtle related educational exhibits and meetings.

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Sea turtle scientists will gather on Jekyll Island in Georgia for the Inaugural Southeast Regional Turtle Network meeting to discuss issues that are affect sea turtles locally and around the world. The meeting is scheduled to take place February 1-4, 2012 and will include a vendor showcase of the latest technology to help sea turtle scientists help sea turtles.

Non-profit organizations that will be participating at the meeting will include Anna Maria Island Sea Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring, the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, the Pew Environment Group, the Sea Turtle Conservancy, the Sea Turtle Conservation League of Singer Island, SERSTN, and Widecast. Some of these groups will also be selling sea turtle themed items to help bolster their conservation efforts. The meeting's exhibits and displays will be open to visitors and local residents free of charge during the afternoons on February 2 and February 3 at Magnolia Hall, 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Meeting session tickets will be available for purchase on site. For more information, visit http://iconferences.seaturtle.org/serstm.