Herper Headshotz – Brian Barczyk

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Herper Headshotz – Brian Barczyk

Herper Headshotz - Brian Barczyk

NOAA Suspends Planned Use Of Turtle Excluder Devices On Certain Shrimp Trawlers
BP To Face Lawsuit Over Oil Spill’s Effect On Wildlife
Breeding The Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys Picta Bellii)

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Brian Barczyk

Herper Headshotz Quiz 
September 25 - October 8, 2009

1.  Who is this? 
     Answer: Brian Barczyk
2.  What is his company? 
     Answer: BHB Reptiles
3.  What does he say he is best known for? 
     Answer: Cleaning Snake Poop
4.  What is his favorite movie? 
     Answer: Jaws

Every correct answer received before the end date receives 25 points per correct answer for their Club Reptile account within 3 business days of the close of the contest.