Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?As read, it seems that the city of Florence ordered a blanket ban on snakes from the family Colubridae

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Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?

Caught up in this list of reptile bans is a ban on Reptiles in the family Colubridae.

Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as the ordinance is written, or if the ordinance pertains only to venomous snakes in the Colubridae family.

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In the wake of a man free handling a venomous snake without protection and getting bitten by an inland taipan snake last year, the city of Florence, South Carolina, where the man was bitten, has issued a ban on keeping the following reptiles:

  • Crocodilians of the Family Crocodylidae, including genus Crocodylus, Mecistops and Osteolaemus
  • Crocodilians of the Family Alligatoridae, including genus Alligator and Caiman
  • Crocodilians of the Family Gavialidae, including genus Gharial (Gaviali) and False Gharial (Tomistomas)
  • Snakes of the Family Atractaspidae, including genus Atractaspis) Snakes of the family Colubridae, including genus Dispholidus typus, Rhabdophis and Thelotornis
  • Snakes of the family Elapidae
  • Snakes of the family Hydrophiidae
  • Snakes of the family Viperidae
  • Large constrictor snakes, including Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus), Burmese Python (Python molurus), African Rock Python (Python sebae), Amethystine Python (Morelia amethistina), and Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) or any of their subspecies or hybrids
  • Venomous reptiles belonging to the family Crotalidae
  • Reptiles in the family Colubridae, including genus Blanaophis, Macropisthodon, Boiga and Thrasops and reptiles in the genus Heloderma
  • Reptiles in the family Atractaspidadae
  • Turtles of the family Cheloniidae, including genus Caretta, Lepidochelys, Chelonia and Dermochelys

The popular large constricting snakes have also been banned, as well as Crocodilians. Caught up in this list of reptile bans is a ban on Reptiles in the family Colubridae. As read, it seems that the city of Florence ordered a blanket ban on snakes from this family, which would include popular snakes such as king snakes, garter snakes, and corn snakes, among many other non-venomous snakes in the family. Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as the ordinance is written, or if the ordinance pertains only to venomous snakes in the Colubridae family. Stay tuned.