REPTILES magazine and have been infiltrating Facebook.
First I was a magazine editor. Then I was asked to become a blogger. And now I think I may be at risk of becoming a Facebook junkie on behalf of REPTILES magazine and

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I was one of those people who resisted setting up a Facebook page for a long time. Finally I gave in to the nagging of friends to do so, and I must admit that I do enjoy having the ability to eavesdrop on what my friends are doing. Plus I like having a portal through which I can inflict my thoughts and comments on any of my hapless FB friends whenever I so choose. Unless they block me, of course, and filter my contributions out of their Walls. So far I don’t think I’ve irritated anyone to too large a degree, even the time I suggested to one of my cat-loving friends that she try feeding kitten meat to one of her dogs to the point that it throws up, as aversion therapy training to get the dog to not try to eat her new kitten. I was just trying to be helpful, after all.
I think one person has “de-friended” me. This was an old high school friend who I have not interacted with since, I believe, the evening I graduated from high school. Facebook can be useful in tracking down people with whom we’ve lost touch, but it can also serve to remind that there may have been reasons we didn’t keep in touch to begin with. After contact is re-established and the general small talk and catching up is out of the way, you sometimes realize that there’s not much to discuss beyond that and drifting apart can begin again.
But all in all I think Facebook is kind of fun, so when it was suggested that REPTILES and ReptileChannel enter the Facebook universe I was for it, especially since it wasn’t going to involve any extra work on my part. That last part, however, has changed, mostly due to my own tendency to blab.
The REPTILES magazine Facebook page can be found at If you’re so inclined and might be interested in reading even more neural firings from me than you might find here – though generally more along the lines of short bursts rather than the more drawn-out ramblings you read here – consider visiting these pages and becoming a fan of them. There will of course be a certain amount of crossover between my blog and things mentioned on the Facebook pages, so forgive me if some topics are redundant. But of course I’m not the only one posting on these pages, and you can see what others may be talking about or interested in. After all, everyone who pops up there generally has a like for reptiles, just like you.
Check it out. Become a fan of REPTILES Facebook!