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From The Editor’s Desk

Editor's note for the 2009 Reptiles USA annual.

Louisiana Reptile House Bill 1354
February 2011 Editor’s Note
Fun Reptile Vacations – Resources

With this 14th edition of Reptiles USA we have once again provided a broad range of articles with topics to appeal to just as broad a range of hobbyists.

We do have a holdover from last year. We are again providing a state-by-state listing of reptile-savvy veterinarians. It can be difficult to find a vet who treats reptiles, and we’ve heard from readers who appreciate having these listings regularly available, so the current plan is to make the vet listings a permanent feature of Reptiles USA.

The animal lineup for this edition includes an article about Brazilian rainbow boas (Epicrates cenchria). These boas are truly beautiful animals due to their iridescence and eye-catching colors and patterns. They’re not necessarily for beginners, but people with experience may want to consider one.

“Ackies” (Varanus acanthurus) are something of a rarity; a beginner-friendly monitor lizard. Monitors are fascinating, but many common species, such as Nile and savannah monitors, can get very big. Ackies are considered dwarf monitors. Their smaller size makes them more practical for many people, including beginner enthusiasts (pg. 88).

Speaking of beginners, “A Perfect Fit” (pg. 28) explores the reasons why reptiles make great pets for youngsters. If you’re a parent and your child asks you for a reptile pet, after reading this article you’ll know why you should respond with a hearty, “Sure! Let’s go get you one.” This may be wishful thinking on my part as the article’s author, but the fact is that with the right approach reptiles can make perfect companions for kids.

There’s plenty more of interest here, so plunge right in to the new Reptiles USA!