HomeWild Frogs & Amphibians

Frog Rediscovered In Costa Rica

Frog, thought to be extinct, has been rediscovered in Costa Rica.

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A critically endangered frog, thought to have become extinct, has been rediscovered in Costa Rica by Manchester Museum Curator Andrew Gray and local naturalist Mark Wainwright, according to wildlifeextra.com.

The men were working with rare green-eyed frogs, Rana vibicaria, at their last known breeding site when they decided to go looking for frogs at night. This was when they heard a totally unrecognizable frog call from a high tree branch.

Gray climbed the tree and found a tiny brown and metallic-green treefrog – Isthomhyla rivularis – a nocturnal species. The species had not been spotted for almost 20 years ago. Gray did not collect the specimen, he decided to leave it in the wild and, after taking several unique photographs, he released the frog exactly where it was found. The find has excited biologist and conservationists around the globe, many of whom have been searching for such a species themselves.

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