Author: Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP
Sulcata Tortoise Vitamin Deficiency
My sulcata tortoise does not move much, its eyes are always closed and its shell is soft. [...]
Egg-Bound Turtle
What can you do for an egg-bound turtle? [...]
Herps And Distilled Water
Never use distilled water for pet herps. [...]
Frog Red Leg And Worm Parasite Treatment
I have a 7- or 8-year-old White's treefrog that I believe has tapeworms. I just lost my younger White’s two weeks ago to what I now belie [...]
Cleaning Reptile Cages
How do you clean, disinfect and sanitize a reptile cage? [...]
Euthanizing A Reptile
Q. I have a red-eared slider that I might have to euthanize, and I was wondering how exactly is that done o [...]
What Caused The Death of My Leopard Gecko?
Q. I purchased a leopard gecko lizard for my son a few weeks ago and everything seemed to be going fine until this morning when I w [...]
Can All Reptiles Be Microchipped?
Q: Can all reptiles be microchipped, or does this affect their health in any way?
A: Microchipping is a very safe procedure for herps of a ce [...]
Are There Other Ways To Identify Your Reptile Without Microchips
Learning to identify reptiles without the use of microchips. [...]
Anorectic Gecko Lizard
Margaret A. Wissman explains why an albino leopard gecko might not be feeding regularly. [...]
Baby Gecko Lizard Not Eating
Should you force-feed a reptile that won't eat? [...]
Bearded Dragon Lizard With Small Bumps
Q: I have recently noticed a line of what I can only describe as small bumps on the underside of my bearded dragon’s rear. Could you tell me [...]
Bearded Dragons Sick
Can beetles that come in with the crickets harm my reptiles? [...]
Bearded Dragon Vomiting And Diarrhea
What could cause a bearded dragon to throw up? [...]
Blind And Deaf Savannah Monitor
My lizard won't eat and stumbles around. What's wrong with it? [...]
Bloated Tiger Salamander
What can cause an amphibian to look bloated? [...]
Chameleon With Blood-filled Sacs Around Eyes
What could blood-filled lumps under my chameleon's eyes be? [...]
Chameleon Foot Swollen
Half of my chameleon's foot is swollen, and sometimes he can't close it all the way. Can you tell me if there is anything wrong with him? [...]
Green Anole Lizard Color Changes
I have a large male green anole that won’t turn green. [...]
Herp Or Lizard With Cryptosporidium
What's the best medicine for a lizard with Cryptosporidium. [...]
Lizard Toe And Claw Injury
Should I be worried about my chameleon's abnormal claw? [...]
Bearded Dragon Lizard Being Lazy
Why is my bearded dragon no longer moving around? [...]
Lizard With Bloody Red Eyes
My bearded dragon's eyes are red and look like they are dripping blood, but with no liquid or crust. Could my reptile be sick? [...]
Lizard Broken Leg
Did my vet set or immoblize my lizard's broken leg correctly? [...]