
Wood Turtle Care Sheet Archived Comments

I have recently acquired a turtle but have doubts on the specie it is. Could you help me pleasePosted by Anonymous, Apr 20, 2019 02:08 PM "Hello. I f

The Vet Report: Sulcata Tortoise Spine Abnormality
Snake Swallows Egg In Viral Video
Why It Matters Where The Turtles Have Gone

I have recently acquired a turtle but have doubts on the specie it is. Could you help me please
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 20, 2019 02:08 PM

“Hello. I found a blind wood turtle in my back yard. He seems to once have eyes but the lids are sealed shut and sunked in. Vitamin deficit? What would you go about helping this little one . Is it ok to live in the wild or will it need special care? It’s a cute and friendly little creature. Could you email me? willy_pogo@yahoo.com
Thanks for the information.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 29, 2018 04:38 PM

Hi i recently got a asian wood turtle as a gift and hes pretty big and he was found on the side of the road about a year ago and was kept for 6 months then given to me and i dont know what i should do he is very kind and intelligent. please send me a text on what i should do 253-398-6082
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 18, 2018 02:07 AM

Please don’t keep wood turtles as pets. It is illegal in most US states. Their numbers are rapidly declining, and most are wild caught. I continue to study them extensively and their decline is extremely evident. Please leave them in the wild where they belong, and source responsibly.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 16, 2018 12:21 PM

i love turtles so much i googeld turtle shack on my moms tablet and i started crying becaus these people ran over a baby turtle
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 13, 2017 12:05 AM

“Found a large Wood Turtle in the Laurel Highlands area ( Revloc ) crossing a very busy coal truck road , i realize it was likely a female searching for a place to lay eggs. I could not determine its direction and so took it up the hill approximately 500 yrds from where i found it and let it go. It was large , about 9 inches long by 6 wide . Though not an expert id guess it was atleast as old as me or older and im in my 50th year.
If i have your attention dear reader id like to share a story from last year concerning an American Snapping Turtle. I was walking two small dogs in Clove Lakes Park , Staten Isl. NY and decided to smoke a cigarette , yes l know it is a foolish habit and im working on it. As i prepared to light up my smoke my friend said you can’t smoke in NYC parks …undeterred i crept off the path under the tree-line and next to the lake’s edge . I had to really crouch down and shield my face from the briars and twigs and so wasnt so much looking forward as down so i was in absolute lotto-level shock to find an enormous Snapper on the bank of the lake less than two feet from me. I was stunned and know the temperament well of Snappers and so froze. It couldnt have been there long as what sun did dapple through had yet to completely dry its scutes or the thick leather of its fore feet and claws. Its eyes or the eye i could see was open and unblemished. The trail of it’s last movements were tell-tale in the mud and muck of bankside decomposing leafmatter.
Truly i was attendant to something few had witnessed . This mighty Ancient had crawled up to quietly repose himself unto Death and i found him .
I went back at night and took him home. Yes i donned the ninja mask for this one and yes it was worth it . I have the shell , skull , keratin beak and claws and will do my best to stuff and mount this Amazing Animal.
Snapper weighed 88 1/2 lbs.
Its shell dimensions are 17 3/4 long by 15 5/8ths wide and that’s keeping the tape straight not curving along or astride the carapace. It had been shot once long before by what appeared to be a 22. As well was missing a toe back left foot . After closely examining the skull post skin decomposition i noted what appears to be egress into its brain case , through the bone itself, possibly made by a parasite . One last note as to condition of shell there was a pocket in which a bright orange pebble was socketed and had clearly been situated therein for years , sadly , i lost this artifact in transfer and so could only do a mock-up now. If anyone is interested in seeing photos id be glad to send them and would do so now but for my lack of know-how. My name is Keith and my number is 336 898 2625. Would also like to share a photo of aforementioned PA Wood turtle. Be well.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 15, 2017 09:51 AM

My north American wood turtle is being very lethargic and it is beginning to concern me. Is there specific things I should be looking for as warning signs that it is a problem. I understand it could be her just sleeping more at the moment but shr doesn’t normally miss food and she has been refusing to eat.
Posted by Anonymous, May 16, 2017 02:31 PM

My north American wood turtle is being very lethargic and it is beginning to concern me. Is there specific things I should be looking for as warning signs that it is a problem. I understand it could be her just sleeping more at the moment but shr doesn’t normally miss food and she has been refusing to eat.
Posted by Anonymous, May 15, 2017 09:17 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Mar 13, 2017 11:58 AM

Hello my name is Chad. I think I found a wood turtle just two days ago got it off the road wanted to release it the next day and it snowed I’m just having trouble identifying which if it is a wood turtle or not for sure I don’t know just want to feed it until it gets warm enough and Let It Go so it does not die
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 3, 2017 09:43 AM

Wood Turtles are an endangered species. They are at-risk and due to their late sexual maturity and low reproduction rates taking a Wood Turtle from the wild to have as a pet is detrimental to an entire population. Wood Turtles are not meant to be pets. Educate yourself and your friends. Don’t wait for animals to be at-risk of extinction to value them alive. Humans are not above all other species, we are part of the ecosystem and must conserve nature to our best ability.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 12, 2017 05:11 PM

Wood Turtles are an endangered species. They are at-risk and due to their late sexual maturity and low reproduction rates taking a Wood Turtle from the wild to have as a pet is detrimental to an entire population. Wood Turtles are not meant to be pets. Educate yourself and your friends. Don’t wait for animals to be at-risk of extinction to value them alive. Humans are not above all other species, we are part of the ecosystem and must conserve nature to our best ability.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 12, 2017 05:10 PM

Hello, my mom got me a present, which turned out to be a Wood turtle. He is supposed to be a couple decades old, she got him from petco… He’s about 5 inches, what kind of aquarium size would be good for him?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 9, 2016 03:38 PM

Hello, my mom got me a present, which turned out to be a Wood turtle. He is supposed to be a couple decades old, she got him from petco… He’s about 5 inches, what kind of aquarium size would be good for him?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 9, 2016 03:25 PM

After reading the above how can you not give these a go.I cant wait.Alex(uk)
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 25, 2015 08:01 PM

What is the other species pf turtle that is shown in the video?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 16, 2015 11:13 PM