Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as th [...]
4 Great Reptiles For New Keepers
We offer several of the most popular reptiles (and one amphibian) amongst keepers based on temperament, care, handling, and just pure joy of keeping. [...]
Aquatic Turtle Tank Water Changes Made Easy
With regular maintenance using this step-by-step guide, you can keep your turtles healthy and happy for years to come. [...]
4 Great Pet Turtles
With constant, quality care and dedication, your turtle can easily live more than 30 years. [...]
Spider Tortoise Care And Breeding
Spider tortoises are not a species for beginners. They require a brumation that is an important part of their biology, for specimens of all ages and i [...]
Thousands of Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtles Released
The incubation period of these turtles was apparently cut to 45 days due to the extreme heat. [...]
Two Arakan Forest Turtles Hatched At Tennessee Aquarium
The Arakan forest turtle is a terrestrial species that is currently only known to exist in the bamboo and old growth forests of the Arakan Mountains. [...]
90-Year-Old Radiated Tortoise At Houston Zoo Becomes First Time Father Of Three
The new hatchlings came as a surprise when a herpetology keeper happened upon Mrs. Pickles as she was laying her eggs at closing time. [...]
Two Critically Endangered Bog Turtles Hatch at Zoo Atlanta
Zoo Atlanta announced March 9 that a pair of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) have hatched at the zoo’s breeding facility in Atlanta. The turtles, [...]
Thousands of Tortoises Saved From Heavy Floods At Madagascar’s Lavavolo Tortoise Center
The storm caused massive damage to the facility’s infrastructure, and endangered thousands of critically endangered Radiated Tortoises and Spider Tort [...]
Eastern Box Turtle Gets Her Shell Repaired With Horse Placenta
The use of equine placenta speeds up the healing of her shell, enabling her to be released much sooner. [...]
Reintroduced Desert Tortoises Emerge From Their Burrows In Headstart Success
“Mortality of juvenile desert tortoises is dramatic, often approaching 100% in areas where ravens are overpopulated due to humans providing them food [...]
USFWS Reopens Public Comment Period On Western Pond Turtle Protections
The western pond turtle is native to California and much of the West Coast of the United States. [...]
Disney Star China McClain Apologizes To Hawaiians For Touching Sea Turtle
"I adore these beautiful turtles, and the people of Hawai‘i. We’re very sorry,” she said. [...]
USFWS Records Alligator Crossing Road With Turtle Lunch In its Mouth
The Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is located west of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida. [...]
Sulcata Tortoise Evacuated During SoCal Fires Goes Home
“We were happy to give this tortoise a safe place to stay,” Pasadena Humane wrote in a video posted to its social media account. “And even happier to [...]
Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap
In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye. [...]
Butterflies Drink the Tears of Turtles in Stunning Video
When you think of butterflies, there may not be an immediate correlation to Reptiles, but they may have a more common relationship than previously tho [...]
Looking for A Pet Reptile? Consider A Breeder
There are distinct advantages to buying reptiles directly from the source, if you go about it the right way. [...]
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