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Petland Store In Florida Victim Of Snake Thieves

Snake thieves stole boas and ball pythons from Petland store in Bradenton, Fla.

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Snake thieves stole an estimated $8,000 worth of boa constrictors and ball pythons October 16 at a Petland store in Bradenton, Fla., according to a report on Bradenton.com. The snakes were stolen just before 5:00 p.m. by three suspects, one of whom placed a boa constrictor in the hoodie that was wrapped around his neck. According to the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, two of the thieves stole the snakes from unlocked enclosures while the third thief, a female, acted as a lookout. The crim e, caught on surveillance video showed the two men walk into the store to the reptile section where they proceeded to remove the latches on the enclosures to steal the snakes. The woman was not with the men, leading authorities to believe she may have acted as a lookout.

According to the store owner, the men walked into the store with their hoodies draped over their shoulders and walked out of the store with the snakes in their hoodies. The owner also said that three ball pythons went missing from their habitats two weeks ago, init ially thought to have escaped, but the owner is now wondering if the snakes were stolen by the same people on the surveillance video.