
Pac Man Frog Care Sheet Archived Comments

Can you house them together? I was thinking about getting two babies and raise them togetherPosted by Anonymous, Oct 8, 2019 05:42 PM 86% of Red Eyed

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Can you house them together? I was thinking about getting two babies and raise them together
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 8, 2019 05:42 PM

86% of Red Eyed Frog fatalities in captivity are caused by inexperienced owners who are unintentionally sealing the ill fate of such beautiful creatures. Are you unknowingly torturing your dearly loved pet? Here are a few indicators that something is wrong… http://dld.bz/redeyedfrogs
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 5, 2019 10:11 AM

Y’all i need to know. Can i put 6 or so crickets in the cage with the pacman frog and just leave them for him to find? Or is that a bad idea?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2018 03:28 PM

How much do you feed them, and what plants should you put in?
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 5, 2018 07:27 AM

How long should my Pacman frog sit in his bowl of water ?
Posted by Anonymous, May 31, 2018 07:44 PM

I like pac-man frogs and they are cool
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 21, 2018 12:55 PM

If my pad man frog becomes an adult how many crickets can it eat?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2018 12:22 AM

If i were to get a baby pacman frog, would i be able to keep him in a small 8x8x12 eco terra till he/she gets bigger or would that be to small?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 26, 2018 05:03 PM

What kind of plants are good to put with the pacman frog? Also, what kind of lighting is good for them? I read some articles that say just uvb then some that say no lighting because it will dry out they’re skin. I have available lighting and want my frog to have whatever it needs. I have a 29 gallon tank with a large zoo med heating pad on one side of the tank.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 19, 2018 01:10 AM

What kind of plants are good to put with the pacman frog? Also, what kind of lighting is good for them? I read some articles that say just uvb then some that say no lighting because it will dry out they’re skin. I have available lighting and want my frog to have whatever it needs. I have a 29 gallon tank with a large zoo med heating pad on one side of the tank.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2018 06:45 PM

What kind of plants are good to put with the pacman frog? Also, what kind of lighting is good for them? I read some articles that say just uvb then some that say no lighting because it will dry out they’re skin. I have available lighting and want my frog to have whatever it needs. I have a 29 gallon tank with a large zoo med heating pad on one side of the tank.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2018 05:13 PM

What kind of plants are good to put with the pacman frog? Also, what kind of lighting is good for them? I read some articles that say just uvb then some that say no lighting because it will dry out they’re skin. I have available lighting and want my frog to have whatever it needs. I have a 29 gallon tank with a large zoo med heating pad on one side of the tank.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2018 05:12 PM

What kind of plants are good to put with the pacman frog? Also, what kind of lighting is good for them? I read some articles that say just uvb then some that say no lighting because it will dry out they’re skin. I have available lighting and want my frog to have whatever it needs. I have a 29 gallon tank with a large zoo med heating pad on one side of the tank.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2018 05:12 PM

I got my pacman frog a the reptile convention for 39.99
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 7, 2018 09:42 PM

In response to the anon asking how much they cost: it varies, I managed to get a baby albino from underground reptiles for $14.99 plus S&H. It all depends on the species, morph and age.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 26, 2017 06:25 AM

Hi how much dose a avarge PAC man frog cost
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 29, 2017 06:47 AM

These are great pets, they need a couple of inches of substrate depending on the size of your frog. if your frog is grown but not fully I recommend about 2 or 3 inches. If you need to persuade your guardian, first get their approval. Ask them as if it is a hypothetical question. “If I could care for and save up for a frog could I get one?” If they say yes, save up and show responsibility by doing work, like washing their car or something. You can feed your frog a couple of times a week depending on how much you feed them. The frog’s tank needs to be humid like a tropical environment. Around 60 to 80 percent humidity. This should not be hard to maintain if you have a lid and water sprayer. I use a sprayer to keep the tank moist. the sprayer can be as simple as a cleaned out windex bottle. The enclosure needs to have places to burrow and hide. You can also get terrarium plants to maintain humidity. My tank has some plants and a half log. In winter you might need a light to keep them warm. You might also need feeding tongs to put the food in the enclosure. If you are feeding them non living things and they won’t eat it out of the tongs then set it in front of them. If their joints are swollen, they won’t eat for a long time (over a week), or they seem to have something wrong in general, bring them to a vet. Their skin is very sensitive so try not to handle them too much. Wash your hands thoroughly after interacting with them.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 26, 2017 12:41 AM

You may have to force feed him/her there are some videos on utube that shows you how to do it , I crush up a couple of crickets and put the in a syringe and take a Q-tip and open his mouth and squirt the crickets in his mouth
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 26, 2017 12:53 AM

If you need Pacman advice, join the Facebook group “Pacman Forum.” Lots of advice there from various owners.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 22, 2017 01:10 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Jun 18, 2017 03:42 AM

I feed my frogs every other day
Posted by Anonymous, May 13, 2017 10:31 AM

very helpful
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 25, 2017 09:13 PM

“Some of you people are so goddamn STUPID! Why the hell would you put a box turtle in the same enclosure with your Frog?DO your research before you buy an animal.
Gosh….wtf is wrong with people.

If there is a god…is this the best he can do? WTF!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 17, 2017 01:44 PM

I want to buy a pac-man frog but he is black and I don’t know if that’s normul what should I do?!?!
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 14, 2017 11:15 PM

How deep should the substrate on the bottom of the 10 gallon cage be for the frog? I never see him come out.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 20, 2017 08:54 AM

“for the love of these creatures, i have created a forum on argentine horn frogs:https://disqus.com/home/channel/argentinehornfrogs/
the site is user friendly, no facebbok, twitter or other annoying social media login required.
i hope the site helps
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 14, 2017 10:44 AM

“for the love of these creatures, i have created a forum on argentine horn frogs:https://disqus.com/home/channel/argentinehornfrogs/
the site is user friendly, no facebbok, twitter or other annoying social media login required.
i hope the site helps
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 14, 2017 10:40 AM

Ok I see no one answers questions on here so I’ll answer pacmans frogs will eat insects I myself have better luck with shrimp and pinky’s as mine are golf ball size you should feed them around two times a week and honestly get a pair of tweezers and bump his lip with food and he will show you why he is called a pacman. He eats everything. If anyone has any questions feel free to message me on Facebook or Instagram Andrew RAzo or lyftlyfe89 please only people looking for info got no time for you critics
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 13, 2016 09:49 AM

Okay so I started to ask a question but from the looks of the comments nothing ever gets answered and there’s just a bunch of stupid pricks telling everyone how to think.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2016 12:12 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Sep 19, 2016 10:12 PM

Doesn’t say how often to feed them?
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 30, 2016 07:33 PM

HELP! I bought my paceman frog over a week ago. I have had him for 1 week and 3 days and he still has not eaten. I have crickets in there with him and I have tried to get him to eat but he won’t. He has only moved once and it was only a couple of inches. What should I do? Why won’t he eat? The terrarium is prefect for him his habitat is great but he will not eat
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 28, 2016 04:36 PM

My Pac man keeps sticking his tongue out. We just bought him today and have offered him crickets but he doesn’t seem interested. He’s hopping around but every once in a while He sticks his tongue out. I called the pet store and they said he ate on Monday and now it’s Thursday and he’s not eating. I think they are great little creatures and I don’t want to see anything happen to him!!! Any help would be appreciated!!! Please e mail Me at jenthacker1969@gmail..com I’m worried about my guy!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 7, 2016 10:46 PM

For all the people who say pacman frogs are stupid, you obviously are incompetent in life through and through. You should bury your head in a hole and keep it there for the rest of eternity. You people are parasites to the world. Don’t ever touch another one of God’s creatures again since you’re incapable of following the most basic instructions in life. It’s called reading and researching and performing; something that you’re suppose to do in life rather than be the real complete waste of space.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 8, 2016 11:23 AM

Can a pacman frog and tree frof live in the same aquarium
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 6, 2016 05:56 PM

After closely reading all the comments I’ve realized my breeders (snakes, frogs, geckos) all have it made…. Putting a turtle in with your pacman was smart…. Maybe the turtle bit it’s leg? Maybe do research on animals before you purchase one… That includes the “worthless blob of crap” comment like alot of people in the world.. America especially… (Just saying you feed off government like a baby nurses it mother)… Pacmans are amazing for an apartment… And your plants… Make a coffee table… Put plants in it… Throw a frog in there… Landlord will never know. Do research.. Don’t go buy an animals before you study… It’s ignorant.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 15, 2016 03:14 PM

yo stfu with all of your frogs are fine coconut fiber is made so incase some-animal eats it and the person who has the turthe ur a dumb ass who the hell puts the frog near a turtle
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 24, 2016 08:47 AM

I have a packman frog and he was eating for the first couple of weeks that I got him and suddenly he will not eat. I put worms in his cage and he just lets them crawel away or die in his water bowl. What should I do?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 20, 2016 11:01 AM

I have a packman frog and he was eating for the first couple of weeks that I got him and suddenly he will not eat. I put worms in his cage and he just lets them crawel away or die in his water bowl. What should I do?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 20, 2016 10:50 AM

“My son has a fantasy pacman frog and it has been doing just fine – eating an occasional white mouse that we buy for him. HOWEVER, this last month or two we can’t get him to eat ANYthing!! We’ve bought mice and the mouse will die before the frog will eat it. (This has happened twice!) We’ve also tried crickets (he’s eaten those before and the mouse is just a “”treat””) and we THINK he ate those, but aren’t sure! We’re worried because he doesn’t seem interested in food… We bought some mealworms the other day and now are waiting to see if he’ll eat those.

Any suggestions? Please email me at darcy757@hotmail.com
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 23, 2015 12:53 PM

So my roommates have a strawberry pac man frog… He is well looked after, but he lays on his back and looks dead (none of this skin shedding thing mentioned above) is this normal behavior?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 13, 2015 10:24 PM

I agree with that guy, they bite, they’re boring, and non interactive-what a useless blob of crap
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 19, 2015 04:23 AM

I don’t know but they’re the worst pets ever so don’t get one
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 18, 2015 05:46 AM

Are they’re bites painful?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 18, 2015 05:08 AM

My Pac man frog accidently ate some coconut substrate about an hour ago & now I’m so scared something’s going to happen to him. What can I do?!
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 11, 2015 09:45 PM

Hey I’m in need here, my lil Moma aka pac man frog was fine up until a few days ago. My daughters found a little box turtle and we put it in the open tank with her but it was only for a few moments and nothing seemed to have happened but now I’ve noticed a small area around what I’ll call her knee looks almost skinned and she’s not using it much. There is a rock in her tank and I was thinking she may have scraped it or something but I hate the thought of her hurting. There are zero vets around me that handle anything but farm animals and house pets so I’m lost here. Should I just watch it and let it heal or is this something serious? She doesn’t act any different or act upset if I touch her so idk. Any comments would be great 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 22, 2015 07:44 PM

Hey I’m in need here, my lil Moma aka pac man frog was fine up until a few days ago. My daughters found a little box turtle and we put it in the open tank with her but it was only for a few moments and nothing seemed to have happened but now I’ve noticed a small area around what I’ll call her knee looks almost skinned and she’s not using it much. There is a rock in her tank and I was thinking she may have scraped it or something but I hate the thought of her hurting. There are zero vets around me that handle anything but farm animals and house pets so I’m lost here. Should I just watch it and let it heal or is this something serious? She doesn’t act any different or act upset if I touch her so idk. Any comments would be great 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 22, 2015 07:12 PM