
Golden Gecko Care Sheet Archived Comments

"I have a 21 year old golden gecko, he may be older but that is how I believe he is. I have had him since 2004, His first owner got him in 1998. I am

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“I have a 21 year old golden gecko, he may be older but that is how I believe he is. I have had him since 2004, His first owner got him in 1998.
I am his third owner.
He eats plain crickets, and the odd green seedless grape, peeled and sliced up.
He also eats rolled oats as do the crickets. Every 7-10 days I remove dead or partial bodies of crickets and dump in 24 more. He has a 4 inch card board tube 10 inches above the bottom of the enclosure for his hiding spot. The crickets hide in pieces of egg cartons.
For water I have part of an egg carton in the water tray with the other end hanging out so the crickets don,t drown.Crickets chew on the egg carton for water. NO heat source, just room temperature 73 degrees F in the winter/ 22.5 degrees Celsius. A non incandescent bulb for light but does not work as a heat source. And he does just fine, nothing fancy, expensive or time consuming. There is no substrate on the bottom of the aquarium. Window screen glued to the top edging is used to keep him in and allow air flow. The crickets get the odd sliced or shredded carrot as a treat or broccoli top.
I have a 25 gallon and a 12 gallon aquarium, which I rotate when cleaning, he bites and has drawn blood on tow occasions so now I always wear a leather glove to transfer him. He does not like to be handled, he has escaped twice during transfers, he is very quick and can rum up the walls and across the ceiling like a lightning bolt.
And I have read that the Golden gecko can live to 30 years, so I may have to write him into my will. lol
Gary the gecko from Ontario Canada.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 2, 2019 03:22 PM

me golden gecko escape last night and we can’t find him anywhere. does anyone have any ideas on how to find him or get him back in his cage?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 18, 2018 08:23 AM

me golden gecko escape last night and we can’t find him anywhere. does anyone have any ideas on how to find him or get him back in his cage?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 18, 2018 07:35 AM

Had one of these from 1995 to 2012, so at least a 17 year lifespan, they were full size when given to me. Not much info on them back then, I bought a Philippe De De Vosjoli lizard keeping book and set up tropical arboreal planted vivarium, I think I had snake plants and cheese plants mainly and a little waterfall, crickets, mealworms, and locusts were their main foods but I found they did eat banana and mango, the occasional defrost pinkie mouse, prawns and fish, (once saw some geckos on a wildlife programme picking at some dead fish)
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 15, 2018 05:52 PM

This artical helped me for my new golden gecko budder.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 4, 2018 07:26 PM

i got my gecko in 2000 and he is still alive in 2018
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 7, 2018 11:21 PM

“Please I need help, because my gecko doesn’t eat!! I don’t know how to feed him….
I live in Mexico City
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 5, 2017 07:10 PM

shut up
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 11, 2016 12:34 PM

I’m doing a gecko science experiment ( don’t worry I’m not going to hurt it in any way ) and I need to know how to care for these types of geckos as the golden gecko is the species I have chosen and this arrival really helped me out as far as care goes
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 10, 2016 02:41 AM

Im doing a project on reptiles for school and this website really helped me!
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 1, 2015 03:22 PM

This website really helped me about learning about them.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 26, 2015 01:40 PM