
Blue Spiny Lizard Care Sheet Archived Comments

I live in SoCal, Imperial Valley. Ive lived in this house 40yrs and never seen lizards like this until now. I’ve spotted a male and female spiny liza

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I live in SoCal, Imperial Valley. Ive lived in this house 40yrs and never seen lizards like this until now. I’ve spotted a male and female spiny lizard in our backyard. Just recently I’ve seen a couple of smaller ones. How common are they here? and what can I do to keep them around?
Posted by Anonymous, May 27, 2018 12:15 PM

The petstore where I work (Creatures Pet Store, Victoria BC Canada) has a pair of adults, and they’ve produced offspring. I’m pretty sure they are captive bred rather than only captive born given that we acquired them from a hobbyist who had been trying to breed them without succeeding.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 18, 2017 12:48 PM