
African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care Sheet Archived Comments

We just got out African Fat tail gecko and it is super mean. Can even stick my hand in there without it trying to attack me. Any suggestions?Posted by

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We just got out African Fat tail gecko and it is super mean. Can even stick my hand in there without it trying to attack me. Any suggestions?
Posted by Rachael B., Feb 29, 2020 02:08 AM

My Geckos tail looks like it is rotting off I don’t have the money to take him to the vet right now and I’m wondering if this is what it supposed to look like when they lose their tail the person that gave them to me said that she had knocked the cage over the day before she gave them to me
Posted by Sandy, Jan 26, 2020 07:46 PM

Both African Fat Tailed Geckos, and Leopard geckos, are in fact crepuscular. I’m not sure why so many people confuse them with being nocturnal. In regards to housing, Leopard geckos and AFT geckos should be kept in separate 20 gallon enclosures. Ten gallon terrariums won’t work with one gecko, let a lone two. Though two females could possibly be housed in the same terrarium, it really is preferable to keep them separate, however, two female AFT geckos are more likely to get along than two female leopard geckos. Males (like the care sheet mentioned) should ALWAYS be housed separately.
Posted by Humble Reptile Enthusiast, Nov 30, 2019 07:50 PM

Leopard geckos r infact nocturnal ! Ill explain why this has yall confuzzled and likley is the case for aft also . They get active at night and early morning. The first few hours of morning are important to wild lizard bc their skin absorbs 99% of uv the1st hours of sun light and the rest of the day the skin wont absorb uv thats leo for a fact . So basic knowledge is saying to me that aft are indeed the same exact way . So uvb early morning till noon is my rule bc they need it for thier bodys to use the calcium you give them.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 18, 2019 09:49 AM

“For anyone confused with the lighting situation:
Unlike Leopard Geckos, AFT Geckos are indeed nocturnal. Or at least thought to be. No source that I have found confirms or implies that African Fat Tails are crepuscular, so they do not need any UVB in their enclosure. Though it is important to have a source of ambient light, to help the gecko differentiate between day and night. Because of this, it is recommended that you do dust their food with Calcium with Vitamin D3 since they don’t get their D3 from the UV rays.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 13, 2019 03:02 PM

Gecko’s are not nocturnal, they are crepuscular.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 15, 2019 01:52 PM

Got an adult fat fail Gecko in July. Was very plump. From the beginning would not eat crickets,or meal worms. Now about once a week will eat maybe four or five butter worms. And I have to put them in front of her. If I leave them in her dish she doesn’t eat them. I’ve tried horn worms, wax worms, super worms. She won’t eat any of them. Her body is still a nice size but her tail has lost some weight. Any suggestions on what to do. I am worried for her. Thanks for any suggestions.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 12, 2019 06:19 AM

Thats a rip in chat
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 19, 2018 12:53 PM

Geckos can be kept on eco earth. It will not cause impactions and they can dig. It also keeps the tank humid. 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 2, 2018 05:53 PM

i have a fat tail and i have her on paper towels but i want something more natural would eco earth be a good choice?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 8, 2018 04:53 PM

My gecko won’t eat and I have no idea why. I tried changing his diet, switching brands, and even put him in a new habitat but he just keeps losing weight. I’m starting to get worried that he might loose too much and become sick.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 9, 2018 04:30 PM

What year is this? Give them UVB – they’re crepuscular, not strictly nocturnal – give them correct temperatures and give them a decent substrate. They’re geckos, not battery hens.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 31, 2017 09:22 AM

why my adult fat tail colour not so orange anymore . use to be orange n white . but now orange look faded
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 17, 2017 11:35 PM

get a job you bums leave my african lizards alone tony tiger is my senpai
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2017 11:12 AM

The “desert” that these geckos originate from isn’t sandy, but more rocky. It’s hard earth.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 30, 2017 12:27 PM

I use sand in my terrarium & have no issues
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2017 11:23 AM

“If 1/20 die due to impaction from sand in the wild and you can eliminate a possible reptile death by not using sand would you use it?
This is just an example but i have lost a gecko kept in sand due to impaction and have switched to a reptile carpet and have had 0 issues
(i have leopard geckos)
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 28, 2016 10:50 PM

I’ve always heard that orchid bark works well for African fat-tailed geckos. An old 1990s article in NOAH talked about people keeping and breeding these geckos on fine-grade orchid bark and that is one of the substrates suggested for maintaining fat-tails by Philippe de Vosjoli. I think the issue with sand comes up with fat-tailed geckos and leopard geckos because keepers use cheap playground sand which does not break down well in the geckos’ guts unlike a calcium-based sand which will dissolve in the digestive track in small amounts. To complicate things you have companies that package regular playground sand that has been dusted with powdered calcium carbonate and market it for reptiles. Only healthy adult geckos should be maintained on true calcium sand made from decayed limestone or aragonite and the feeder insects they eat should be offered in a dish.
Posted by Anonymous, May 4, 2016 09:07 AM

“Dear writer.
I have spent some time reading through this wonderous article.
Although I found some of your article most informative, I do have reservations when you suggest that sand should not be used as substrate for an animal that is genetically adapted for a desert environment. Could you please explain how you managed to come to this conclusion, as i have yet to come across any animal where the natural habitat is newspaper (A man made product containing bleach, chemicals and dye based inks)..

Just curious 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2016 06:11 PM