Breeder's Choice: Full-spectrum, Hypotrans, Microscale Leatherback Bearded Dragon

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Breeder's Choice: Full-spectrum, Hypotrans, Microscale Leatherback Bearded Dragon

Pogona vitticeps

Reptiles Magazine 0912
Breeding Red-Footed Tortoises References
What Time Is ‘Vet Time’?

David Freeman

Carolina Classic Dragons, LLC


Breeder Comments

“Out of hundreds of bearded dragons, this full-spectrum, hypotrans, microscale leatherback is one of a kind! This special dragon came from a joint breeding venture between Carolina Classic Dragons and Moonstone Dragons. We crossed a male het. trans. leatherback from Carolina Classic Dragons to a citrus hypotrans from Moonstone Dragons. This ultra-smooth male has every color imaginable in a bearded dragon — yellow, orange, purple, green, gold, etc. We consider this breeding a success and look forward to working together again in the near future.”