Bornean Earless Monitor, Blue Tree Monitor Considered For ESA ListingRather than allowing the global population of a species to grow to conserve species, ESA listings prevent that from happening in the U.S

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Bornean Earless Monitor, Blue Tree Monitor Considered For ESA Listing

When a nonnative species is listed under ESA, even domestically born and bred animals can no longer be sold in interstate commerce by private breeders.

FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), blue tree monitor lizard (Varanus macraei)

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Tomorrow (8/17/23) the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will post this document in the Federal Register (found on our website at FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), blue tree monitor lizard (Varanus macraei), bleached sandhill skipper (Polites sabuleti sinemaculata), and pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus).

bornean earless monitor

The earless monitor was first captive bred at Japan’s iZoo in 2014.Photo by Kurit Afshen/Shutterstock

When a nonnative species is listed under ESA, even domestically born and bred animals can no longer be sold in interstate commerce by private breeders. This is actually anti-conservation as these animals in the wild face habitat decimation, and poaching for medicinal, food, and other purposes. Rather than allowing the global population of a species to grow to conserve species, ESA listings prevent that from happening in the U.S.

The petition was filed by the Center for Biological Diversity. We will post links and updates at when available.

You can read more about the problems caused by the ESA listing of nonnative species at

National Reptile Breeders’ Expo (AKA Daytona)

The granddaddy of two-day reptile expos is back and this time it is the biggest NRBE ever! There will be over 700 tables for your perusal. Head to Daytona and see why! From the Friday Night Turtle Talks to two full days of reptile show to Daytona shenanigans, this show is always a must. There are loads of reasons why it has been happening for 34 years.


The USARK FL / USARK auction will be back in the big room where we held auctions years ago! This will create a better atmosphere and experience for auction attendees. It is still located at the top of the escalator in the Hilton North Tower lobby but now in the Coquina Ballroom. There will be HUNDREDS of donations. You never want to miss this auction!

Auction Preview:

WOW! This is one of the best items ever to be donated and you can only get it if you are the high bidder at the Daytona National Reptile Breeders Expo auction on August 19! This is a combined effort with a custom knife from Terry Vandeventer, an American Bladesmith Society Master Smith (less than 100 in the world) and professional herpetologist, and Craig Trumbower, an author, herper, and craftsman. Vandeventer’s knives regularly sell for over $4,000 and Trumbower’s boxes have also brought thousands of dollars.

You may read bios on both men at Photos are at the bottom of this newsletter. Thank you, Terry and Craig!

USARK and USARK FL will both be there to answer any questions and inform you about what is happening. Both groups look forward to seeing you there to help keep our battles possible.

Volunteers needed: We need volunteers! You can register at or send an email to if you want to help. More details at Thank you!

All show details can be found at and

Show Schedule:

Saturday 10:00 – 5:00 – NRBE Reptile Show
Saturday night 8:00 PM USARK Florida/USARK Benefit Auction (Hilton hotel/North Tower lobby up escalator)
Sunday 10:00 – 5:00 – NRBE Reptile Show

ALERT: Lacey Act Amendments

UPDATE: We have updated our alert with links to contact all sponsors and co-sponsors of the two Lacey Act amendment bills now in Congress. Please check if you are a constituent of any of the listed legislators and then take action if you are. Thank you! Check out our latest video about this on YouTube at

Find more details and a comprehensive FAQ at We will be updating this alert.

USARK Shirts and Hats are Available Online

Our shop is open at (or just click the “Shop” link in the menu on our website). We currently have two shirts and three hats available for sale.