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Green Iguana Rescued By Kayak Fisherman Four Miles Off Key West, Florida

The lizard saw the kayak and made a beeline toward it and was saved.

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A kayak fisherman was fishing four miles off Key West, Fla., last month when he happened upon a green iguana swimming aimlessly about.

“Check this dude, way the hell out here!,” Steve the Kayak Fisherman said as he watched a green iguana swim toward his kayak. The lizard made a beeline toward the kayak and then attempted to climb upon the outrigger of Steve’s kayak.

Want To Learn More?

Green Iguana Care Sheet

After several failed attempts, Steve lent the iguana an oar and helped hoist the iguana onto the tube that connects the outrigger to the kayak.

“Man that’s some rough business out here huh!” Steve said on his YouTube video. “What’re you doing?”


Steve then positioned the oar in front of the iguana in hopes that the lizard would climb on so Steve could reposition the lizard onto a more solid section of his kayak.

“You’re probably going to be more comfortable in the back over here,” Steve tells the iguana.”or you just want a breather and keep swimming to Cuba?”

Steve then coaxes the lizard onto the oar and safely moves the lizard onto more solid digs, the cooler in the back of his kayak. Steve then fires up his outboard and talks as he motors his way back to shore.

“Alright we are almost home, does any of this look familiar to ya?” Steve says as they near the shoreline. A few moments after Steve asked, the lizard “made a jump for it” and climbed up a mangrove tree on the shoreline. Steve returned to make sure the lizard was OK.

“Be safe. Goodbye,” Steve said to the iguana, which was still perched on a branch, safe and on more solid ground.