2005 Drawn to Reptiles Art Contest Winners

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2005 Drawn to Reptiles Art Contest Winners

"Drawn To" REPTILES 2005 art contest winners.

2009 Drawn To Reptiles Art Contest Entries
The new REPTILESmagazine.com Contest Winner!
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Wow! We received hundreds of entries for our art contest, and many of them were absolutely terrific. Originally, the plan was to pick one winner from three age categories (12 and under, 13 to 17, 18 and over) for each of the four animal categories, resulting in 12 winners total.

There were so many fantastic entries, however, that we couldn’t pick just one. So we did something we’ve never done: We asked the sponsors if they’d double the prizes — and they agreed! So now there are 24 winners, and every artist whose work you see here will receive a $50 gift certificate from one of the sponsors.

Feast your eyes on this artwork, and you’ll see why it was so tough to choose the winners. Many thanks to everyone — artists and sponsors alike — who made this our all-time most popular contest ever!

Check out the 2009 "Drawn To" REPTILES Amateur Art Contest Winners>>

Russ Case, Editor